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I entered deeper into the library, my nerves increasing by the minute. Whatever Hermione had to tell me, it obviously was bad, as Harry and Ron felt bad for teasing me about it, and they never felt bad for teasing me about anything, no matter how sensitive I was on the topic.

I reached the back of the library, and spun around slowly, unable to find Hermione. I felt my hands shaking as I wiped the sweat off them onto my jeans.

"I'm here Celia!" she called.

I nearly gasped when I saw her. Her hair was huge, which didn't comfort my nerves at all. Obviously, she was incredibly stressed about whatever she had to tell me.

"Sit down" she requested, gesturing to a chair on her right. I walked quickly towards her, sitting down on the chair. I tried my best to stop my hands for shaking by clasping them together on my lap.

"You wanted to tell me something?" I asked nervously. I knew for a fact Hermione would be telling me something I didn't want to hear.

She cleared her throat twice, and began stuttering "A-are you familiar with, uhm, Amhersts?" she asked me.

"Yes, I am, it's a person who gets their soulmate's name tattooed on their shoulder after they have sex" I told her.

"How, how did you know that? It's an incredibly rare gift, almost as rare as knowledge of it?" she asked me.

"Draco just read me a letter from his mum. She said he had found his soulmate and she was an amherst, because his branch on the Black Family Tree grew a branch next to it for his soulmate" She cringed at the mention of Draco's name, causing me to expand my sentence. "Why, Hermione, what's wrong?"

"I think, well, this is hard to say, and is going to be very hard to hear..." she drifted off, something behind me catching her eye.

"Draco" she mouthed in realisation, and I turned around to be met with a flustered Draco, running into the library.

"Hermione, please please please tell me I'm wrong. I know you know what I'm talking about. Is it true"

"Yes, Draco, it is. I checked, 5 times, I asked Madame Pince, I went to Professor McGonnagall, it's true Draco" Hermione's voice shook as she told him the truth.

"Holy fuck" Draco cursed, throwing himself on the floor and putting his head between his knees.

I was terrified, Draco looked so scared, Hermione was terrified, and Ron and Harry were acting so weird.

Tears that I didn't want streamed down my face and I looked at Hermione. Her chocolate brown eyes weren't sparkling like they normally were. They were glistening with tears.

"Celia, you're an Amherst. You're Dracos soulmate"


No I'm not.

I can't be.

He's my best friend.

Narcissa said this type of magic made no mistakes, but it must've.

Unless Hermione and Draco made the mistake. But Hermione never made mistakes, nor did Professor McGonagall.

"No" I croaked. "It can't be true"

"It's true Celia. I found a list of Amhersts of History, and your mums family, The Levette's, were Amhersts. Draco's portrait grew a branch, I never thought I'd say this, but Trelawney said you know your soulmate, but don't expect it" Hermione explained. There was a reservoir in her eyes.

"That's all subjective. I might not be an amherst. Draco's portrait might be for someone else, Trelawney is usually wrong. It's not true" I argued, desperate for them to agree with me, even though I didn't.

"You're forgetting the golden patch of fur on your shoulder when you're in your animal form" Hermione added.

"It could just be a terrible coincidence" I said.

"No, Celia, it's not. It's true" Draco said, muffled by his knees. He lifted his head up to begin his explanation "When you left I made a list of all the girls I've had sex with. There are 3. I lost my virginity to Daphne's sister Astoria. It can't be her because I saw her naked body the next morning, no tattoo. Same for the second time we had sex, no tattoo. The next girl was the one I met when my dad took me to America, Victoria, but it can't be her, because afterwards there was an attempted burglary at Grimmauld Place, and Me, my mum, my dad and my auntie searched the whole property. No branch on my portrait, because I remember studying it and my place on it with great interest. It's you Celia. I think we're soulmates"

He was right. He was completely right. He was my soulmate. But it couldn't be. Soulmates were meant to have great romantic connection. I could never fall in love with Draco, it would feel incestuous. I was doomed to be soulmates with a boy I could never truly love the way I was expected to.

"I'm sorry," I said stumbling up from my chair. "I need to leave"

I got up and ran from the library as fast as I could. Daphne would hopefully still be at breakfast, leaving me to be alone in our dorm. I heard Hermione calling for me, then giving up and talking to Draco. She knew I needed some time to be alone and think.

I arrived at our dormitory, slamming the door, turning around so my back was facing the inside, and slid down till by ass hit the floor. I put my head in my hands and just let myself cry for a few minutes.

There was still a shadow of doubt in my mind that Draco was my soulmate. I let myself just sob a little longer, before I decided it was time for rational action. I pulled my sweatshirt off and threw it on the floor. I pushed my right bra strap down my arm, and turned so my back was facing the mirror at our dresser. I faced my bed, too scared to look at the mirror because deep down I knew that Draco was my soulmate, I just didn't want it to be true. I didn't want concrete undeniable evidence to prove what I hated so much was so true.

I inhaled a shaky breath, found all my courage and remaining strength, and turned my head to face the mirror.

'Draco Lucius Malfoy' was clearly written on my right shoulder in his handwriting, in gold, just like Hermione and Narcissa said it would be.

"No" my voice was hoarse with sadness, and I feel to my knees. I cried even harder than before, because now I couldn't dispute it.

Draco Lucius Malfoy, My best friend, The one boy in this world I could never fall in love with, was my soulmate.

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