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"Dear Draco", I read, in my mums familiar writing.

"Your last letter broke my heart, though I truly appreciate your honesty. I do not think you dishonest, but I find you do your best to keep me happy and safe from all distress, and I appreciate that too. Please write back telling me if you feel better now that you're back to work. And please say thank you to Celia. She's gone beyond what is expected of her as your best friend, and you and I owe her always for that. She's a beautiful girl and you're very lucky to have her.

"I'm sure you've heard about Pansy being transferred to Ilvermorny, but in the off chance you have not, I will tell you all Lucius has told me. Pansy's parents have decided it is not wise for their daughter to spend so much time away from school in the seventh year (as Pansy isn't a academically inclined girl), thus forcing her to transfer and rebegin seventh year. Your father has ended all contact with the Parkinson's, and so have our inner circle.

"In other news, Draco, I have reason to believe you have been up to things at Hogwarts that aren't studying or playing quidditch. Your father and I know that you have been having relations with girls at Hogwarts, and we aren't angry or sad, as long as you're being mature, safe and respectful.

"However, these relations have only been evident to me, as today, your father and my sister were ordered by the ministry to clear out Grimmauld Place. Normally, your father, my sister and I would order house elves or pay someone else to do it, but we were worried about what we might find within the house that someone we could not trust would find.

"We set about this task, beginning with the Drawing room, which, as you are aware, contains the Black Family Tapestry. As my son, your name appears on this tapestry. Whenever someone gets engaged, their name grows a branch with an oval next to it, and when they get married, a portrait of their face fills that oval.

"I am not suggesting that you have proposed to anyone at Hogwarts (though if you have you will be taken home immediately and given a serious talking to from me, not your father), but, Draco, my sweet boy, you have found your soulmate.

"There is a very rare, very ancient type of hereditary magic, that you wouldn't have learnt about in Hogwarts. Amhersts are magical folk, usually witches, but could be wizards, who have the name of their soulmate tattooed on their shoulder permanently in gold. Many historians denied the existence of such magic, calling it merely folklore and tradition, but the existence of the Black Tapestry has proved it is fact, not fiction. Due to the strong defiance of historians, this form of magic isn't spoken about.

"It seems that you have found your soulmate Draco, and your father and I are so proud.

"However, this form of magic may come with disadvantages. You've never told me about a girl that you like, but, your soulmate may not be this person. It makes it hard to truly fall in love with your soulmate for a while. But please, understand Draco, this magic makes no mistakes. Your soulmate is your soulmate, and you will, ultimately, fall in love with them.

"I'm not asking you to collect all the girl's you've ever had intercourse with (though I hope the list is small) to come together in a small room for you to examine their shoulders. Please, my son, be tactful and respectful.

"I wish you and your soulmate all the very best, and hope you are able to find her, and that you are happy with her.

"I love you my beautiful son,

"Narcissa Malfoy, your loving mother"

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