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I entered the common room and saw Draco reading on the couch.

"Draco!" I called out to him.

"Are you surprised to see my fully clothed?" he asked cheekily, giving me a small grin

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "I have news!"


"I'm an animagus"

"Wait really?" Draco asked, jumping off the couch in surprise.

"Yes! I found out just this morning" I chirped.

"Who told you?" he asked happily.

I told him the story of how I bumped into Professor McGonnagall, his eyes widening when I told him my mum was an animagus.

"Wow! What do you transfigure into?"

"A small white dog with a patch of gold on the right shoulder. Wanna see?" I asked excitedly.

"Yes! Go!"

I gave him a demonstration, giving him time to examine me in my animal form before transfiguring back. The second time was exactly how Professor McGonnagall said it would be. Easy, but hard to describe.

Draco was speechless, but very happy for me.

"Celia, that's amazing!" he told me and I smiled at him.

"I think I'm gonna write to my dad to tell him, and tell Daph. See you later!" I waved to the boy with platinum hair as I turned around and walked away.

I ran up the stairs to my dorm, and heard Draco call up to me "See you"

I headed to my dorm and found Daphne was wide awake and dressed, but doing some homework. I told her my news as well.Her reaction was similar to Dracos, disbelief, followed by surprise, and then being happy, smiley and proud.

When the excitement died down, she sat on my bed.

"Can we go get breakfast together? I'm starving, but Mil and Tracey have already gone to Hogsmeade and I can't be bothered today" she asked, giving me the puppy dog eyes.

I would've agreed, had she not used them, because I was feeling pretty hungry

"I was going to write to my dad but breakfast sounds more appealing" I told her, leaping off my bed.

She followed suit and we left our dormitory. I looped my arm through hers, and we walked to the Slytherin table. Draco wasn't in the common room when we passed, leading me to assume he had gone to his room or to breakfast.

I sat where I usually sat, and as usual, buttered my toast. It was almost as though Draco was back in the hospital wing, and I was just going about my usual routine without him. Daphne sat next to me, and we chatted while we ate our breakfast.

I was on my second piece of toast when Hermione sat down next to me. Her brown curls were frizzier than before, and her hair was usually an indicator of her stress levels. I remember I once told Ron 'The bigger the hair, the bigger the stress'.

"Hey, Hermione" I smiled at her as she sat down, my eyes fulling taking in her flustered demeanour. I could tell she needed to do or say something because she rarely sat at the Slytherin table.

"I need to ask you something" she said hurriedly.

"Fire away" I said, stuffing the toast into my mouth, attempting to appear nonchalant in front of my exasperated friend.

"Are you a virgin?" she whispered.

I choked on my toast and couldn't stop laughing.

"Sorry, no, Hermione, I'm not, do you remember that thing I had with Dean Thomas? In the Sixth year?" I asked her.

"So you can confirm, last night with Draco was not your first time?" she asked a little louder, causing Daphne to hear. Thankfully, she was the only person within ear shot.

Daphne gasped and her hands flew to her mouth in shock. Her eyes widened and her eyebrows rose.

"Hermione keep it down! And no, it wasn't!"

"Shoot. Ok, I need to go to the library, I'll see you later!" she ran off.

I tried to get off my seat to follow her to ask her what was wrong, but Daphne grabbed my arm.

"What is this about you and Draco last night?" she asked in a loud whisper.

"Look, me and Draco got drunk, had sex, and neither of us remember it or really care about it. It's not a big deal. I'll tell you more later I just need to go see Hermione. She's been acting strange and somethings up" I said as fast as I could while trying to wrench my arm out of Daphne's grip.

"You're kidding?" she asked in shock

"No, just let go!" I demanded

"Celia!" Draco sat down in the spot in front of me. I hadn't even noticed he'd come in.

"Hey Draco" I said, still trying to pull my arm out of Daphne's grip.

"Sit down a minute, I have some news" he said seriously.

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