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Tonight was hopefully going to be my last day without Draco. I didn't want him back for only selfish reasons, I wanted him back because I could tell the solitude was driving him insane.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and for a moment I thought it was Draco, until I turned around and saw red locks instead of platinum.

"Mum sent this with my mail. It's for you. From the twins I think" Ron said sounding bored. He handed over a letter which had messy scrawled on the back "Cecelia Love" in what I thought was Fred's writing.

"Wow! Thank you Ron! Say hi to your mum from me!" I called as he walked from the Slytherin table

"Will do" he called back.

I tore open the letter and smiled at Georges familiar messy script.

"Dearest Celia Lovey-Dovey," I read, smiling at the twins old nickname for me. "We heard about Draco, and we feel terrible, but we're also so proud you're so badass. Great job dealing with that asshole Pansy.

"Mum told us that Ron said that Draco isn't doing too well mentally. You know Draco wasn't the biggest fan of us, but we're you're biggest fans and want to help you help out a friend. In the room of requirement, behind the dressing table, in a crate, is a few bottles of cheap wine we bought one night while drunk. Neither of us really drink wine, so we left it in the room of requirement. If it's still there, I want you to grab it and get drunk with Draco. That will surely take his mind of things.

"For Merlin's sake don't tell our mum. She'd just about have a stroke. And do write to us and visit us more! We know you're busy in your last year and taking care of Draco but we miss you too.

"Love you heaps Lovey-Dovey,

Fred and George Weasley, Of Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes."

Even after I'd read the letter I read it again, smiling fondly at this messy, wrinkled letter.

After reading it 5 times, I put the letter back into the envelope and put it in my pocket. I scarfed down my orange juice so I could give myself time to visit Draco before lessons started.

Books for all my lessons of the day were shoved in my bag, which I threw over my shoulder. I was a hall away from the hospital wing when a familiar voice calling out my name forced me to look up.

It was Draco. In his uniform. Out of bed. Ready to attend lessons after being bedridden for over a week.

"Draco!" I said in delight, running into his warm open arms. My arms locked around his neck and his around my waist as my feet left the floor he spun in two circles.

"Wow" I said laughing when he put me back down. "What a reunion"

"The gangs back together" Draco announced, his arm coming to rest around my shoulder. He felt warm and carefree, and as if it was the most natural thing in the world for hi arm to be around my shoulder.

"I have to tell you something" I smiled, looking up, hating Draco for being so damn tall.

"That you missed me?" he gave me a stupid grin

"No you idiot, I got a letter from the twins!" I told him, feeling the excitement bubble up within me again

"Oh, what about?" Draco asked, clearly confused and not as excited as I was.

The twins were just more friends of mine that Draco literally could not stand, but tolerated for me. Having said that, he's actually become mates with Hermione lately, which I was very pleased about.

"They have a few bottles of cheap wine in the room of requirement, and said we could have them if they're still there, so we can get drunk tonight!" I told him.

"So you're telling me we are going to have a proper rowdy Friday night, with a hangover tomorrow being very likely?" he laughed, happier than I'd seen him for the last week or so.

I could tell Draco was enjoying the liberty of being out of the hospital. It was as if he had been growing a pair of wings his whole time there, and he finally had a chance to test them out. He seemed so weightless. Even though he only spent little less than a week in hospital, I knew it seriously affected his sleeping patterns and mental health.

"Yes! So we can check together during morning tea after Potions, and then we'll quietly take them back to your dorm at lunch if they are there"

"I'm sure they will be, I think me, you and your friends are the only people who know about that room" he reassured me.

"I hope so. Anway, gotta run, have Care of Magical Creatures, I'll see you later!" I told him while starting to travel in a different direction than him.

"Yes! See you later!" he told me

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