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I woke with a groan and a stretch, quick to realise it was not my bed. Startled, I turned over to see a sleeping Draco. His hair was ruffled, and his lips slightly parted, but in all, he looked so peaceful. There was a slight pink tint to his skin suggesting he'd actually had a good night sleep, in from what I can only assume, a long time. The whole pending arranged marriage thing was affecting him more than I thought it was. Draco was never one to vocalise his problems like I did. I found it important to articulate exactly how I was feeling to someone I could trust, usually Draco, Daphne or Hermione. Draco, however, internalised many of his issues, and I learnt from years of friendship to let him think about his problems and open up when he's ready, never forcing him to do anything. I grabbed my robe from the end of Draco's bed where I must've left it last night, and headed down to the common room to get to the girls dormitories.

I yawned quietly as I walked down the stairs, hoping to be silent as to not wake any of the Slytherins on their Sunday day off.

'Sunday. What a great day' I mused while walking down the stairs. My mind wasn't fully awake till I noticed Pansy scampering down the stairs from the girls dormitories.

I remembered the events of last night suddenly, and decided to follow Pansy to her destination then ask her a few questions. Civilly. Maybe not.

She looked behind her towards the stairs, as if she was double taking, ensuring no one heard her or was following. Suss.

She walked out of the Slytherin common room, me on her tail, but not too close.

She began walking up the stairs to the first floor, then the second floor. She turned a few lefts and a few rights before entering the Girls Lavatory on the second floor.

I was instantly suspicious as Hermione told me no-one used these bathrooms, on account of a ghost.

I waited outside the bathroom with my ear pressed to the door to avoid being seen.

"Hello Myrtle!" Pansy's shrill voice rang through the blissful silence.

"Pansy!" responded who I assume was Myrtle. "Have you come to visit me?"

"No I haven't Myrtle, I'm still-" Pansy paused as some sort of glass hit the floor.

"SHIT!" she cursed. I heard the turning sound of a toilet paper dispenser, demonstrating that it was probably a glass holding a liquid.

Suddenly, a strange combination of scents filled my nose. Though it wasn't a combination, like the fragrances had been layered, like many different scents in a perfume. It was 2 distinct smells from within the one inhalation. They were totally separate yet came together. I smelt delicious rich freshly baked brownies and cologne.

"Language Pansy. You're in my bathroom after all" Probably Myrtle chastised her.

"Sorry Myrtle. I just worked hard on that"

I needed to know what Pansy was working on, even if it meant blowing my cover. I quickly darted my head into the doorway, exposing myself to view. Pansy was leaning over a spill with an indescribable iridescent mother-of-pearl sheen. The liquid must've been fresh as steam was rising from it in spirals.

I'm no potions master, but I know amortentia when I see it.

I gasped loudly in recognition that this is what Pansy had been using on Draco to make him feel so sick, it is what was in the cupcakes, 'his medicine', why Draco was so confused about his feelings, especially when he hadn't been fed by her. It all made sense. Two things hit me the hardest. Firstly, how I'd severely misjudged her. I thought I could trust her. If we were in a play she played the victim I played the fool. She exploited me in order for this sick plan to work. Secondly, how misguided I'd been. Draco had been continually unintentionally leaving clues, and I didn't pick any of them up. I'd left it to be his problem for him to sort out, refusing to talk to him for intervals at a time, or just not being smart enough. And I hated myself for that.

Pansy's head shot forward and she saw me through her fringe. Her surprised expression instantly turned into a scowl as her open mouth became a line, and her wide eyes squinted

"Celia," she began.

"Don't you fucking dare" I shouted "I'm gonna go tell Dumbledore. And McGonnagall. And you know what, maybe even Snape you bitch!"

I had more insults to throw at her but I knew there would be plenty time for that.

I turned when she said "No, don't you fucking dare"

She pulled out her wand from her pocket and I suddenly remembered, I left mine in my room last night.

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