one - severe heartbreak

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one - severe heartbreak

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one - severe heartbreak


The pain was unbearable. Severely and utterly unbearable. Like being penetrated by knives a thousand times. I seriously loved him and I thought that he also felt the same. But I was wrong. I sniffed onto my tissue, sobbing my agony and pain. "Please, stop crying Funneh. He isn't worth your tears." Gold brings me a cup of water as I drink it instantly. My eyes were bloodshot red. I was tired and I couldn't stop crying. "H-How d-dare him!" I throw my tissue away.

"Shh, shh." Gold continuos patting my back. She looks at her phone and her eye widens. "Ooh, uhm, I'm so so sorry. It's my first day of my job, don't really want to get fired. Anyways, do you need anything?" I shake my head as Gold hugged me tight and started to pick her things quickly. "Okay, goodbye. Don't sneak out or do anything stupid." I sniff and smile weakly at her. As I hear the door close. More tears come to my eyes.

So I decided to get out of the house. To stop isolating and torturing myself, and show that I did get over this stupid breakup. So I grabbed my car keys, got dressed, and went out.

As I drove to a bar; I closed my car and walked inside. I immediately sat on a stool and requested a drink. When I was in highschool; I sneaked into bars when I was troubled. My brother has once caught me and reprimanded me for it. So I promised him that I would never ever visit a bar. (Not until now) Good thing is that he didn't tell our parents. As I requested shot after shot. I soon feel myself getting drunk. I couldn't get drunk.

I walked out of the bar and walked home. I bump into a hard wall. And my vision feels fussy. I look up to see a redhead in a hoodie. Oops, it wasn't a wall. "You cheater! You cheated on me with that girl!" I cry, hitting his chest. He pushes me away and I wipe my tears. "You stupid cassanova! I'll kill you someday." I walk away as the redhead looks at me with a weird look.

I black out.


"Ugh, my head hurts." I groan, massaging my temples. I open my eyes to see my brother. "K-Ky?! Oh, uhm, h-hi." I smile. But Kyran shakes his head and look up to Gold who slightly blushes. "I saw her outside my workplace and. ." I didn't listen to their conversation since I still wanted to sleep. "Funneh!" Kyran shakes my shoulder. Gold interrups, "Uhm, Ky. You have a photoshoot later at 9:00 right? It's 8:43." Kyran shakes his head and says, "Cancel it."

Gold takes his phone outside and takes his call. While Kyran stares with me in anger. "Funneh, be honest. Or else you are going to get a call from mom and dad to come back to Canada." I gulp. "So Funneh, were you drunk last night. What did you say when you woke up? Your head was hurting right? More like, killing you?" I nodded slowly. Kyran slowly inhales then exhales.

"Why did you drink?!" I couldn't say anything. But Kyran looks at me with concern, "Are you okay?" I feel a tear approaching as I hug him and sob. He pats my back, "What happened? Funneh are you okay?" I shake my head and hugged him even tighter. "E-Evan c-cheated o-on me." I whisper as he backs away. "Wait, that Arden guy you were talking about?" I nodded.

My heart was paining again and I soon yearned to feel numb. "Sleep first, you need to rest while I talk care of the rest of my photoshoots." I widen my eyes, "Ky, why are you cancelling your plans?" He looks down on me, "It's been awhile since I had talked with my little sis. Sorry for being so busy to even talk to you or hang out." I shake my head, "It's okay Ky. It really is."

He grins, "Now sleep." I pull my blankets and smile back. "Good night, love ya Ky." Before he closes the door, he also turns the lights off and utters a response. "Love you too."


so, that's it. i hope you like the first chapter! it's summer vacay!! so i can now update daily!! wooh!


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