seventeen - 'delicious' dinner

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seventeen - 'delicious' dinner

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seventeen - 'delicious' dinner


We came home with smirks on our faces. "Ready for plan A?" He nods and shushes me. We both head to the kitchen to cook and get ready for our plan for tonight. "Ugh, so what exactly do we want?" I say, carrying our plastic bags and grabbing our ingredients. "Just make like uhhh, soup?" I bite my lip and think about what I really want. "Uhhh, sure?" I slice up some 'Twizzlers' and taste it. I might say that it is really really sweet. "Hmm, first let's put these Twizzlers aside and chop some onions. Alec." I start going on command and he follows my orders slicing up some onions.

"O-Okay, before I start chopping some onions I'll first go and get glasses." I nod and add water to our pot. As Alec comes back I ask, "Where is Kyran and Gold?" He grabs his phone from his pocket and shows it to me. "They texted me saying that they went to an arcade or something. I told them not to eat because we already prepared some dinner." I grin and thank his cover up for our plan. "Hey Davis, that's what I do when I want payback." First, I tell him that we should make soups for ourselves so if they force us to eat the disgusting meal, we have something to back it up. Alec agrees and I order him on to make a delicious soup. "Btw, I know a recipe." I let him cook.

After a few minutes I taste his soup to just fall inlove with it's taste. "Why are you so good at cooking?" He looked down on the pot and poured it in a container. "Well, there's only much that Kyran can talk about when it's about recipes. So I just decided to try it." Seriously, this guy is so perfect I can't even. "Okay, just so we don't get punished we'll leave a good batch for Kyran and Gold." We decided to be careless and pour in some 'Twizzlers' , blue cheese, orange juice, marshmellows and ALOT of pepper. "Alec! That's a hell of alot of pepper! They'll eventually die due to the spice!!" I continuously reprimand him as he laughs at my attemps.

"Just wait until they arrive home."


We hear the door being unlocked and both ran onto the couch and grabbed our phones to pretend to text. "Hello guys! Where's the dinner that you've prepared." I tried not to make ourselves suspicious. "Uhh, actually, Alec did all the work. I just chopped the onions and stuff. Right Alec?" I secretly pinch Alec's arm as he purses his lips and nods. "Yup." Gold and Kyran's eyes turns into slits. "Is this a prank?" We both shake our head.

"Nope, we're also hungry so we are going to eat beside you." They stopped being suspicious and we grabbed our soup. "I'll take their bowls and you'll take our bowls." I say to him as Alec nods. We both head to the table and smile. "Let's eat?" They grab their spoons and look at us. I shrug and grab my spoon to drink out of it. Gold tells us, "I'll go to the bathroom," I raise an eyebrow and nod. A few moments later I recieve a text.

from: goldielocks

I know you're trying to prank us.

I didn't change my expression and texted Gold again.

to: funneh

ugh, you got us. pleaseee!! we want to do this to kyyyy.

from: goldielocks


I see Alec and Kyran talking without suspecting anything. Alec's been covering for me. I then text Alec as Gold comes back with a nuetral stare. I go to the kitchen counters and grab my phone to text Alec.

to: Alec

hey stalker. gold knows our secret. we're just going to paank ky now.

I hear Alec's phone as he turns and walks over to me. "She knows?" I nod and grab another bowl. I pull him and tell him to go straight to his chair. "We all know that Gold hates cold soups right?" She nods and accepts the delicious soup. I throw the disgusting soup away and we sit down to eat. "So, let's eat?" The four of us sip our soups quietly until Kyran runs to the trashbin and vomit the soup. "What the f*ck? F*ckin' hell, It's so spicy!." He glares at us and we just laugh at his reactions. He asks to taste my soup. "Ugh, I am the only one who got the most terrible soup?"

I smirk, "Buddy it's totally coincidencial."


I am ever so thankful for your support!! i loveeee you so muchhhhh!! <3

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I am ever so thankful for your support!! i loveeee you so muchhhhh!! <3

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