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uhmm, hi guys..i probably won't make multiple chappies anymore and soo yeah! i'll just compile everything in one chapter. soo uhhh, yay....btw it's not an april fools joke 😂😂


Alec and I had been dating for months now trailing up for a year. Elisse had been ignoring us too. Alec told me that it wasn't my fault on her despair. But I, couldn't really help my emotions. Gold also caught the night when Alec sang to me on tape. We couldn't stop her as she uploaded it on YouTube. It soon turned viral, and we saw very different reactions about that video. Gold also forced me to sing or something so that she could 'share' my talent. Soon, when I go out everyone recognizes me; which was plain weird on its own.

And lastly, Gold and Kyran finally started dating! When I heard the spectacular news, I was fuming when Gold didn't tell me immediately! I mean, I'm her best friend right? I should know EVERYTHING about them. Well, I mean not everything but just enough.

Alec and I were now on our own apartment just chilling out. "Ugh, I have to go on a photoshoot after this." Alec groaned in annoyance as I look at him with a blank smile. "Well, you chose to be famous so. . shame on you." Alec held my face and gave me a peck. "What was that for?" I wrestled him as he kept chuckling at me. "Hahaha, Funneh it was for good luck! I needed it!" I stick a tongue at him as he says goodbye for work.

He sent a wave at me as I returned. The doorbell rung a few minutes later Alec left and I sighed. I opened the door without peeking, "Oh Alec why are you—" I see Elisse instead. "Oh, hi Elisse!" I wave hello at her as she hugs me.

"I'm really sorry, can we please be friends again?"

I nod and I sat her down the couch. "I have found someone kind of special so yeahh." I sent a grin and gave her a cup of coffee. "I missed you. I wished that this friendship could've been fixed sooner." She hugged me again and I just sigh in pure happiness. "It's kinda sad that Alec didn't get to meet you, he had a shoot today." Elisse raised an eyebrow. "There's no photoshoots being held today, it's pretty much like resting season or something, I'm not really sure. But what I know is that Alec does not have a shoot today. I think...OH! Yes! Our manager told us."

I soon bid goodbye to Elisse as I couldn't help but feel a pit of worry in my stomach. What is this troublemaker planning? Anything that he's keeping from me? Because I do not favor secrets. As the door opened to revealed Alec. "I heard you were somewhere BUT not your shoot. Infact, there are no photoshoots that your manager told you." Alec sighed and apologised. "But how did you know?"

"Now, what were you doing Alec?" I ihnored his question and confronted him instead. Alec showed me a small box as the same size as his palm and opened it. "Promise ring." I looked at the ring and awe. That must've been really expensive. Alec inserted it in my ring finger and smirk.

"Consider that as a wedding ring. Next time I get one, YOU'RE MINE."


so, i'm going to go in hiatus for a little while to plan my next story. i'm really sorry if this story didn't reach your expectations and stuff. i really regret not planning it longer. so this story could've bern better. so, just so you know! stay tuned for my next story of FALEC!!

> That's French, Love (FALEC) <


He is the son of the famous billionare. He attends the same school as her; his whole family speaks French. But he does not. Infact, he understands so little. So her mother might be insane in hiring a teacher for him. A rich girl, who speaks french. Gets hired by a famous billionare that needs lessons for his son. When the deal is sealed she is given a year to teach him French.

That's French, Love.


"Tu vois, je t'aime. C'est ma façon de te dire que tu es spécial pour moi." She spoke in french; a delicate language. A language that he might never learn.

But he did understand; he understanded one word that meant — "i love you." He felt pathetic butterflies fluttering around his stomach. He was becoming those love sick teens that he once despised.

But he decided to take a risk. "Je t'aime aussi." He was crazily inlove with this woman. That he would do everything for her, maybe even learning french.

et elle l'aimait aussi.

i might change the summary soo yeah. that's kinda a draft...

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