seven - seven minutes in heaven

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seven - seven minutes in heaven

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seven - seven minutes in heaven


We are in my house as Kyran is driving home from his recent recording for his music video both Alec and I are running around and getting everything ready. "Alec, don't you get it? Everything I fix you break." I reason out making him deny my statement. "No, everytime you fix it, it looks like crap. So don't do it over again. Accept that your standards are not really of a good one." He defends his fault. But then asks another question, "Why does Kyran want his birthday with only his family members and us?" To be honest; I already knew the reason.

I nodded, "He just wants privacy with family, and why are you even invited? Are you my biological brother." I act dense causing him to chuckle, "No dumbbutt!" Huh, I guess he also isn't a fan of profanity. "Ugh, let's get this over with. Who are the guests?" He starts to list down the guests. "Uhm, your family, me, you, I guess Gold? And uhm, Elisse a few more girl friends and a few more guy friends." I make an "oh" sound. "Very small party." He mutters.

Almost all of the guests arrive and hide in corners so we can surprise Kyran later on. We close the lights and hide under the tables and I feel his breath on my neck. "Scoot over Alec." He doesn't respond but latter utters one, "You scoot over Funneh, try to lose some weight. You are really getting fat." I hit him in the arm and he groans in pain. "Ow, Davis slow down on the rage right there." He whispers.

"Ugh, Smith can you please brush your teeth next time? You really smell like the trash that Kyran threw the other day."

Alec flicks my forehead and I growl angrily at him. "I'll really kill you next time Smith." Alec just laughs at my remark. "Huh, try to bury me without my spirit running after you." I roll my eyes at him (of course without him seeing) I see a flash of light appear on my phone and find out that it was a message from Kyran. "He's coming soon." I announce.

As the door opens a few moments later. We jump and surprise Kyran to see his surprised face. "Omg. . thank you guys." He hugs Alec and I together. Now; I am being squashed with Alec as he is the same with me too. "Ky!" We both yelled at him. He laughs and shushes us.


There were plates and cups scattered everywhere. I smile at myself admiring the fact that I was able to convince Alec to use disposables instead of my silverware. It would've been lost and coated with different types of salivas. I wheeze mentally. "Guys let's play seven minutes in heaven!" What game is that? I look behind me to see a group of guys and girls in a circle with a paper and a pen. "You want to join?" Elisse asked and I shaked my head.

I don't want to waste my time on a stupid game. "Uhh! Come one!" I knew for a fact that all of them were drunk. My family went home already and the only people left were teenagers and Kyran's friends. Alec sighed, "Awh, I guess Funneh already lost." Due to my competitive nature (from my brother) I ran to their circle and punched Alec's shoulder. "Shut up! Okay, how does this game work?" I ask as a girl starts to explain. "Seven minutes in heaven with a TWIST is a game generally played by two opposite sexes. Which are locked in dark spaces that can either be in a closet or a bathroom or anything dark. The twist is, it isn't going chosen by us on who is going to be isolated but this container!" The drunk girl raised the container with a bunch of our names. "Which are seperated by gender. This also contains a bottle that will have to be spun to determine the chosen ones."

The girl jokingly laughed. "Anyways let's start." She spun the bottle and it lands on Elisse. She picks a strip of paper (which contains a name). "Okay, Mia." Mia nodded and Elisse spun the bottle again which landed on Alec. "Oohhhh." The other people said. I strangely wanted to strangle them. Funneh! No!

"Anddd, Ryan. Enjoy," Alec shot a smirk while Ryan stuck his tongue out. We waited for seven minutes and they finally came out with bruises on their necks (hickeys. . ugh). They all made lovey dovey sounds towards Mia and Ryan as they blushed in bright red.

A few more people go in th closet for seven minutes. The bottle was spun again and I was getting bored. It landed on Emily (Kyran's ex, but their still good friends). "Ooh, Funneh." She wiggled her eyebrows as I scoff. This is going to get bad. The bottle landed on Elisse again. As she picked a name and paused for a milisecond then mutters. "A-Alec." Our eyes both widen as the people around us winked and also wiggled their eyebrows.

"Be careful in there. . " I stick my tongue out and we both get locked in a closet. "So, what do you want to do Smith?" I asked him while he shrugged. "You are drunk aren't you?" He shaked his head. "I'm not—" He was cut of by a hiccup, his voice was almost slurred. "You are." He chuckles, "Funneh is not pretty nor is she nice. But she is gorgeous even though she's a meanie." I slightly blush. Ugh! That means nothing Funneh! Nothing!

"H-Huh?" Alec chuckles, "Just kidding! You b-believed tha—" He hiccups again. I knew it; you shouldn't get your hopes up! That's the only thing you know on how to do! "Good thing I didn't fall for your stupid trick." I lied. "Haha, whatever." I rolled my eyes. "So, you remembered when we lied about how we started to become archnemesis - ses?" I nodded, and cringed in his bad grammar; when Kyran actually asked us why we started to fight, we lied.

"Yeah," I responded. He answers me, "Why did you lie for me." Because I was a dumb love sick girl Alec. I did it for. . "Huh, I didn't do it because I sympathized with you. It was just second hand embarrassment."

"But why do you hate me? I know I'm mea—" Now it's my turn to cut him off. "I hate—no dislike you a thousand times that you may never feel because of that thick wall of ice around your heart. That thick ice that no one might break because no one cares to even change you. Like they said, people don't change after 24 hours." I rant, turning red after that.

"Who said that you couldn't break it?"

I laughed at his logical answer, "What is this? A cliche romance?"

The timer finally stopped.


okay, can i make elisse inlove with alec but not ever been in any sort of relationship with alec (except ofcourse of being his bestest friend)?

whoever created elisse?

please (im desperate):

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