twenty - six - numb

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twenty - six - numb

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twenty - six - numb


The door bursted open as Gold ran in and hugged me. "H-How did you know?" Great, I was feeling numb again. "I heard what happened inside. And why did you do that?" I hugged her back, my sobs were coming through. "Because I wasn't good enough! I'm a stupid wannabe that is out of his league!" Gold patted me on the back. "But he doesn't love her. ." I was tired of feeling this way. I was so exhausted from feeling so unworthy for a person that I wanted to have. "And he'll have to." Was the only thing that I could've muttered. Why haven't I realized earlier that I was inlove with him? That I was just suppressing myself to feel this way.

Gold sighed and broke our hug. "Sleep for awhile. I know that's what you've been doing for a few days, but it's better than crying and wasting your tears." I shake my head, "I'm not wasting them. I'm getting rid of them so I can't cry about him anymore. I'll shed as much as tears as I want until my eyes feel dry and sore, then I'll stop." I blinked the tears that kept sliding down my face and shut my eyes tight.

Please, even though I regret giving Alec out to Elisse. I still wish that I were her. She is so lucky to have Alec now.

"Goodnight love." I mutter and fall deep into my slumber.


I woke up feeling held by arms; strong arms. I rub my eyes and blink again. Seeing Alec; I was laying my head on his lap while he was looking at me. "Good Evening love." I raised an eyebrow. "Where's Elisse?" Alec's smile slowly morphed into a frown. "I told you Funneh, I.don'" He states, "How is it hard to understand?" I couldn't help being a crybaby. But Alec smiled warmly towards me and wiped my tears on the corners of my eyes. "She deserves you, I've made her suffer. Why is it that everytime you pick me even though I want you to pick Eliss—"

Inorder to stop me from mumbling non - stop; he held my chin to his face and kissed me. He kissed me with his emotions. I know what I said seemed silly (but he really did!). He pecked my lips deeply with passion. It was a kiss I call 'love'. I kissed him back and more tears streamed down my eyes. Wow, I was a crybaby for today. Alec kissed me to my forehead reaching to my chin. His butterfly kisses was driving me insane.

My heart was pounding abnormally fast in pace while he shushes me again and tells me to sleep. As I closed my eyes he softly pecked my them. "Sing me a song." I request him. "Okay then." He smiled at me and started to sing acapella style. I can fall inlove with his voice anytime.

Well you done done me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill but you're so hot I melted

I recognized the voice that he sang. It was the duet that we performed in Kyran's congratulatory party. I smile while slowly drifting to sleep.

I fell right through the cracks
And now I'm trying to get back
Before the cool done run out
I'll be giving it my best-est
And nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention
I reckon it's again my turn,
To win some or learn some

But I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm yours. .

I'm sorry Elisse. I love Alec; I've realized that he also loved me. Now I'm willing. I'm willing to fight for Alec and I. I'm sorry that this didn't make you feel better. I'm sorry that I seem perfect to you, because I am not actually a perfect one. I make mistakes; and one of them was letting Alec go.


and that's the end of 'cliche romance'. i hoped you guys enjoyed the whole ride of waiting for falec and stuff. . i'll miss funneh and alec.. 😭😭😭

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early april fools! 🎉 i'm just kidding 😂😂 stay tuned for more chapters.

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