four - you deserve the love you give

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four - you deserve the love you give

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four - you deserve the love you give


Alec and I have been knocking on Kyran's door nonstop. "Uh, I'm sorry I'm saying this but. . he'll get out when he feels it. We can't force him." I told Alec as he slowly nods. "I can't believe this, I really can't. Seeing my brother hurt is so painful." I tell myself, only noticing that Alec is here. Alec grabbed his phone, "Let's call Elisse." I raised an eyebrow. "Who is Elisse? Is it—?" I was cut by Alec again. "Yes, Elisse Grace Kennedy. Kyran has always been close to him." I got curious. "Does she like Kyran?" Alec shaked his head.

He pointed himself. "She liked you?" He then nodded. "Did she ever—" I groan in response as he ignores me. "Yes, she has confessed to me. But I rejected her." But, why is he telling me this? "Oh, so are you still cool?" He shaked his head. "We are more like ex friends." I nodded and sipped my coffee that I had just made. "Then call her, it's for Kyran. Even if you feel awkward." Alec sighed and I pushed his shoulder. "Go. I know you love Kyran." He shrugged and dialed Elisse.

"So uhm, yeah, I'm great. Uh, Kyran is a bit blue today, mind if you pay a visit? Oh really?" His face lightens up. He does care for Kyran. "The address is—?" He looked at me, expecting me to mutter an answer. I tell him the address and he passes the message to Elisse. "Okay, bye." I smiled, "Now that wasn't so awkward isn't it?" Alec displayed a blank smile. We hear clicks of the door as Gold and Prince both come out of their room. I glare at Gold as she blushes in shame, "Uh, w-who's this Funneh."

My glare became more intense. "Go, I don't want to talk to you. Go, because I don't want to see Kyran crying anymore! Please! Just go!" I cried; Gold was shocked. But the both of them went out without furthur more response. We hear a doorbell and I open it. "Hi—oh, are you Kyran's sister?" I nodded and smiled widely. "Why was Kyran upset." I beckon her, making her sit on the couch. I tell her everything that happened and her mouth was left dangling open.

"I feel bad for Kyran." It has been an hour and I haven't even heard a single word come out of both of their mouths. (they won't talk to eachother) "I can't even look at Kyran without feeling hurt. Kyran is such an angel." I awkwardly nodded and looked at the door that seperated us from Kyran. He was probably balling his eyes out. I felt bad for him. I wanted to hug him. "Let's just wait. He'll come." I mutter, feeling partly weak.


Kyran finally came out of his room and was surprised to see Elisse. "El! How are you? I haven't seen you in awhile too." Kyran greeted and pretended to smile. "Kyran, stop pretending, I can practically see your frown through that smile." Kyran frowns. "Oh, I'm sorry for lying to you guys then." I hug Kyran as he pats my back. "Kyran, you really deserve the love you give."

"You are the best sister." I break our hug. "Okay, please Kyran, listen to me, listen to Elisse." I point to Elisse, with her crossing her arms and nodding slowly. Alec was just staring at us, ready to offer another cup of water. "Yes, Kyran, stop hurting yourself. If Gold doesn't love you or care about your feelings. Then she just lost alot." I agree with Elisse. She just maybe my new best friend.

Kyran finally smiled.


so uhhh. yah, enjoy.


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