eight - i don't want to feel anything

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eight - i don't want to feel anything

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eight - i don't want to feel anything


"I'm sorry! Okay?!" I yell at Kyran while he rolls his eyes. "You should've just minded your own buisness! Stop pestering Gold!" A tear slip from my eyes as Kyran left my room. All he cared about was Gold. The girl that abandoned his feelings. I clenched my fists. I'm sorry Gold. I'm sorry that I just loved my brother more. I'm sorry that I yelled at you because I didn't mean for such feelings to basically occur and tear me apart. I was just concerned for Kyran.

"I need to leave this stupid place." I mutter in annoyance. I walked around parks, streets and cafés to make myself preoccupied from my anger. When I actually looked at my phone I saw the time; it was hella late. "Ugh, let him have my house for a change." I muttered bitterly. I enter a café (this will be the last) and coincidently see Alec. "What are you doing here?" I confront him.

"Sipping a drink but WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" He replies as I rolled my eyes and say, "Kyran and I fought, shut up." I grab a chair and sit in his table. "I know I asked you what happen, but I didn't mean for you to sit with me." I roll my eyes again and wipe my tears. "Shut up." He looks at me with an unknown emotion. "I know you don't care, but I just need someone to vent my emotions to. Kyran told me off on being mad at Gold. I'm was mad at him. But now I understand that what I did was a mistake." I quietly utter to myself as I forgot that Alec was listening.

"Y'know, even though you fought with your brother earlier. I don't understand why you still admire him, why you still love him even though for his imperfections." He told me.

I stay silent for awhile. "Well, ever since in highschool that I've seen him suffer with hate, with his career and everything it just became normal for me to like. . comfort him and admire his will to stay strong." Alec sipped his cup. "Wait, why am I even saying this to you?" I ask him, snapping out of my sentimental phase while Alec just shrugged. "I dunno, I just have a brother myself and it is pretty hard to appreciate him." I raised an eyebrow, "What is he like?"

He sighed, "He is a playboy, he had an ex that he dated in college. He is used to profanity, infact, he uses it as it's his second language. He is someone. . I don't look up to."

I nodded and ordered a drink since I was hungry.


I look at my phone and notice that it's ten o' clock. Oh my, I'm dead. I enter my house and instantly am bombarded with Kyran running to me and hug me. "Where were you! I almost died! Funneh don't ever do that again." I tell him what happened to me the whole day. "I'm really sorry, I was just carried away by my anger. I should've thought about your feelings." I shaked my head, "I should've understanded your feelings. I knew you loved her."

After our understanding, I walked to my room and sighed in relief. We finally finished our fight. I had been quite upset by our fight. I really have to apologise to Gold for my inappropriate behavior towards her. And today; I was shocked by Alec's understanding - like attitude towards me. But it's not like I admire his attitude! It's just that. . I was shocked by him. I don't want to feel anything. I'm not supposed to feel anything.

What's wrong with Alec today?


i'm sorry that it was short.

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