eighteen - busy schedules and perverted minds.

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eighteen - busy schedules and perverted minds

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eighteen - busy schedules and perverted minds


I was sprawled across Gold's bed. As she left earlier I was home alone again and what's worse is that I woke up sick. Kyran and Alec were also busy with their schedules for several photoshoots, interviews and other stuff. I hold the note that Gold wrote and looked at it without any thought. I was super tired and I wasn't close to standing up or walking to get any food. I was too lazy and my head would just ache. What did I do to get so terribly sick? I cough repeatedly and try to sleep again. Okay, sleep is out of the schedule. Standing up is still undecidable and crawling out of bed is optional.

I force myself to look at the clock and realized that it was 11:05 in the morning. I hear the door unlocking and don't respond. "Yeah man, I'm here in her house. Okay, I'll give her the lunch and I'll head back another interview. Yess, I know Ky. Shut up!" I hear Alec answering his phone. His phone rings again as he picks it up. "E-Elisse? Uh, why are you c-calling me?" After a few moments Alec runs out of the house with the door quickly closing.

I am not happy to tell myself that I seriously needed attention because I am freaking sick. Why did Alec even go to Elisse's service instead of mine? I mean, I'm not jealous but I just am in need of like a cough medicine because I am coughing repeatedly. I close my eyes and slowly count from one to ten. Whatever. You don't care about him Funneh. You don't care one bit because you're not even in a relationship with him.

But is it sad that I just hope that he could call me a friend or atleast label or treat me like one. I sigh to myself. Funneh you are so freaking pathetic. I try to get out of Gold's bed I feel kind of dizzy. Ugh, this is terrible. I lean on the bed while sitting and close my eyes and beg the holy mercy to like do something because I feel like my head ache is killing me. I close my eyes and finally force myself to sleep. "

"F-Funneh?! Funneh!" I open my eyes to hear Alec shaking my shoulders. "Are you okay? I saw you lying down beside the bed. What stupid thing did you do again? Are you crazy?" I laugh at him as he stares at me with a stare I couldn't comprehend. "Alec you are so stupid." Then I close my eyes again leaving myself to sleep again.


"Hell Alec? What did you do?" Kyran yelled at Alec as I pretend to sleep. "Ky! I didn't do anything!" Alec answers back leaving Kyran with an unsatisfying grunt. "When I told you to give her the lunch that I bought does she know?" I am left with an uncomfortable silence. "Uh, Elisse called me. She was crying for some reason. She told me to come to our place." I know when Kyran is mad he usually screams. "Alec. You know that my sister needs to eat. She sometimes forgets to. So you really need to shove it in her face that there's food so she could munch on something. It's a habit of her's." Kyran tells him. "I'm sorry Ky, would never happen again."

"I know, and I forgive you. Especially when you secretly care for her."

My eyes were wide as saucers right now. That is not true. I pretend to wake up and see Kyran's face lit up. "Hey sis, you were sick. Why didn't you inform us?" I shrug then reply, "One, my phone says she's out of battery. Second, I'm tired. Third, I'm tired." Kyran smiled then Alec retorts with a, "I can't believe you're sick and you still have sass," I stick my tongue out. The door opens for Gold to run to me. "I'm so so so so sorry Funneh!" I shake my head and she smiled.

"To get Funneh to lighten up, let's tell jokes. Who wants to go first?" Kyran smirks then I feel Gold immediately regret his decision.

"What's long and hard and has cum in it?" Gold and I were shocked. Alec answers, "A dic—" I shake my head and retort. "Eww, you disgusting immature pig." He laughs and winks at me.

"You dumbass*s. It's cucumber." Kyran finally reveals the answer.

Gold stays silent. "Wow, I never knew that my brother was so dirty minded." I cross my arms, sitting up Gold's bed. "Hah, it wasn't a dirty minded joke, you just have one of a dirty mind. Welcome to the club sis. Anywas, last one!"
I roll my eyes, y'know what? I feel less pain now. I guess I was just tired.

"What's made out of rubber, handed out of some schools, and exists to prevent mistakes?" Alec always answers first again and I shut my eyes for a dramatic effect.

"A condom—"

Kyran interrupts further idiotic response of Alec. "Its an eraser Alec. Use your damn head." I narrowed my eyes at him, "You are so dirty minded."

"Babe, I'm not dirty minded, I just have a sexy imagination."

I facepalm while Kyran and Gold laughs. Alec, Alec, Alec. You really need therapy.


hello guysss. do you want like uhh falec oneshot book? so you could request to me anything and i will make a oneshot out of it. let me know.


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