five - "let's forget about everything"

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five - "let's forget about everything"

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five - "let's forget about everything"


After comforting Kyran soon Elisse waved goodbye. And once again I was left alone by Alec. (Kyran was in the shower) "Y'know, let's forget about this, everything." I nodded to Alec. He wasn't really what I call 'friend material'. "Yeah, nice talking to you." Alec also smiles. "Let's just go back to hating eachother." I grinned back. "If that's what you want redhead." He glares at me as I run away to my room. I sigh and went to sleep. I am super tired after what happened this day.

I soon wake up; feeling the bright sunlight shine through my eyes. I look through the window to see a beatiful view. I come out of my room to see Kyran talking to Alec. "Ugh, good morning Ky, bad morning to you too." I greeted Alec. Kyran chuckles, "So Davis versus Smith." I remember that surname! Wait, is that—?! "Oh it is you, welcome back Smith." I smirk, makes me want to hate him more.

"Its a pleasure meeting you again, Davis." Kyran's eyes widen. "W-wait, you guys knew eachother." I laughed. "Arch nemesis since highschool." Kyran crossed his arms and shaked his head. "Act like adults. This isn't highschool anymore." I scoff, and tell Kyran that I was going to take a bath leaving Alec with a remark, "Good, you smell pretty awful." It's kinda annoying with Alec. Makes me want to pound his head to the wall. Wearing a black tee with a turtle neck and some denim skirt; I head over downstairs to see Kyran with a face.

"Where are you going sis, you seem a bit provocative today." I stick my tongue out. "Ugh, Ky! This is the most unprovocative outfit that I can find in my closet. Besides, I have some important matters to do." Kyran rolls his eyes. "Fine suit yourself." I roll my eyes back, and hear Alec chuckle. "A troublemaker huh?" I slam the door as I go out. It's going to be Kyran's birthday in like, after one week. So I have to reserve him a cake or something. What I also have to find is a job. I hear a text from my phone as I see who sent it; "unknown" huh?

Unknown: I know you know that it's Kyran's birthday after one week.

Me: yeah, he's my brother. why woudn't i know?

I leave the text message as that and block the texter. What a creep who could that be? I get a taxi to the nearest cake shop and get a little recognition from people. The only problem is that its negative recognition. "That's Kyran's girlfriend isn't she? What a sl*t." The girl said, with her friend agreeing to her statement stuttering. What the heck? Who the hell concluded that I am Kyran's girlfriend? Because last time I checked, I am related to him by blood. "Ugh, why does she dress like that in public. Has no style whatsoever."

I ignore those comments and reserve a cake for the sake of Kyran. I am going to ignore these people because soon they will learn and I am not going to make myself look stupid by doing so. Why do I need to make people happy when I am not responsible for their contentment. Whatever! Funneh is out!


"Ugh! This day was horrible." I muttered, I thought that I was alone. Soon I turned around to see Kyran and Alec wide - eyed. "What are you bozos staring at?" Kyran's face turns dark. "What happened." His voice was stern - ish and scary so I answered without hesitation. "People think that we have a relationship. A romantic relationship." Kyran pretends to puke. "I have to clarify that someday. Some people are just plain stupid to assume. And I do not condemn incest!" I nod my head agreeing to his statement.

"You are so damn right."

Alec laughs nervously, "Uh, Kyran you want to buy milk right?" Kyran strangely nodded. As Kyran went out (fully covered). Alec smirked, "You went out to buy a cake right?" I leave my mouth hanging open. "I swear! If you spoil the surprise you are going to get one yourself Smith!" Alec shakes his head and chuckles.

"Why would I be destroying your cake when it already will look like crap?" Alec I seriously want to kill you!


hello guys! new update! i hope you enjoy.


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