ten - discoveries, subtle friendship & feelings that are beyond their control.

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ten - discoveries, subtle friendship & feelings that are beyond their control

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ten - discoveries, subtle friendship & feelings that are beyond their control.


Everything in this day was going great. I've gotten a job and atleast I can earn my own money for once. I am a barista at a café; cliche I know. But that to me is the easiest job to have. Well, I think it partly is. Except for the milk art thing that I can never get the hang of. So they assign me for just preparing the coffee and not designing it. I agreed to their request. Tomorrow was my first day and I am not going to let them down. As I skip home happily I check my phone to see that it's pass my curfew that Kyran has originally arranged.

Oh shizzles.

I bolted to my house and was running out of breath. "Tsk, need a ride trouble maker?" I glare at Alec. "Tsk your face Smith! I.don't.need.a.ride!" I state firmly running as fast as I can. You can say that I'm completely acting childish and stuff and that I'm an adult and I can take care of myself. But excuse me! Kyran is more scarier that being trapped in an elevator! I stop again; panting for more breath. I smell the tint of smoke and glare at Alec to only see him chuckle. "Laugh all you want," And then I continued. He catched up to me again. Smith! Can you please stop? "Alec! Finee, ugh, stop forcing me next time I mught push you out of this car." He ignores me and we continue.

As we arrive the house; I can clearly see Kyran's deathly stare then calmed down by seeing Alec. "Good move bro, even though you hate my sister's guts you were able to sacrifice your annoyance towards her." Gold giggles as Alec and Kyran chuckle. Ha-Ha, It was so funny laughed two times. I roll my eyes and continue walking inside my house. And just so you know Kyran and Alec, this is MY house, so I can kick you out anytime I WANT. I shake my head, shrugging off the embarrassment. Whatever.

Stupid curfew. Stupid archnemesis. Stupid brother. Stupid everything!


I get ready for my job as I quickly climb downstairs. Good! I hurriedly go out successfully avoiding human contact with people that I want to kill. I'm careless, whooo! That's yo gurl Funneh Davis. Okay; I'm turning mentally unstable. Let's go to that job before I get fired.

Everything was so tedious. I was getting tired by it. It was our break, so I get to have a chance to check my phone. And oh holy. It had ninety - three calls and eighty four messages by Kyran and twenty - nine calls by Gold. Omg. . did I commit another cardinal sin? Please forgive me! I just wanted to have money and stuff. I ended up responding to Kyran's nonstop calls. "What?!" I was annoyed, "What do you mean what?! What as in, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!" I end the call with another wave of calls came to visit. As the store opened again, I see a redhead smirking, wearing his hoodie. Ugh! How did he find me?! "How the hell did you find me?"

He chuckles and states. "I set a tracker device on your phone. Funneh, you should've remembered on how I am a master at this! Oh well, you didn't even notice it. Or turned of your phone." I roll my eyes and slam my hand on the table. "Don't you dare Alec." He also shoots a glare towards me. "Fine, finish your stupid job." I stick my tongue out and continue working. When I finally finished. I walk over to Alec to only see Evan with a smirk. "How are you baby brother?" I glare at him to only soak his words deeper into my brain. And the more I repeat it, the more I get a heart attack. "W-Wait? My idiot ex is your stupid brother?!" I yell at Alec and shake his shoulders.

"Yeah, he just replaced his surname with our mother's surname. His true name is Alec Smith Arden." I push him away while Alec laughs in response. "I'm so disgusted. But now I understand on where you got that disgusting personality. It runs in your blood. But not your mother btw! She's an angel." Alec pulled me outside the café. On the way out, he pushed Evan aside as he landed on a chair with a glare glued to his ugly face. Now I assure you I have no more feelings for this guy! As we rode on Alec's car I say, "You better explain yourself when we go home Smith or Arden. Whichever you prefer." He only answers with, "I prefer Smith."

I smile creepily. "Arden it is!" He groans as I just laugh until my eyes water.

Even though Alec's busy with his career, I can't help thinking why he'd even spend his time waiting for me to finish working when we are supposed to be enemies. But Funneh,

once you learn, feelings are beyond your control. And you can't help it. You can't help it but smile because of his annoying personality and his salty comebacks. You can't help it.


hello! another updateeee.

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