sixteen - water gun fight

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sixteen - water gun fight

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sixteen - water gun fight


I opened the door and raised my hands in the air. "I'm jobless! Once again!" I yell and jump on my couch. I see that no one is in the house. I was tired with no energy to spare. "I'm so tired." My eyes slowly closed which were beyond my control. And I was woken up by Kyran who sprayed a water gun on ky face. "Hey! What the hell?" I wake up, feeling that I was wet. From my face to my clothes. "Hahaha, want to play?" I hit Kyran on the shoulder and get dressed. Huh, so you want to play? I lock my door incase of any disturbance and dig for my old water gun. I grab my water bottle and filled my water gun with water. I set it aside and change for a more appropriate attire.

I wait for a few minutes and wait until Kyran knocks on my door. "Funneh! Get out! Okay, I'm sorry!" Kyran repeatedly knocks on my door as I carefully carry my watergun towards my door and silently exhale for a few seconds. Kyran keeps banging on my door until I open it and splash his face. I grin and look at Kyran, "You know I never back down on a fight Kyran!" I look back to see Alec and Gold behind him laughing. Kyran huffs in anger. "Okay! You want to play? Okay, let's see. Seperate teams of two, Gold and I will play and you and Alec." He smirks as I turn around to see Alec with an annoyed expression. Same Alec.

"Ugh, anyways, got a water gun?" He smirks and nodded. "Then let's go." Kyran stops us. "Woah, wait love birds. Let's set down the rules. No cheating — which means no using the water gun while countdown. No fighting physically. And of course, don't try to fight with your teammate." Kyran coughs, "Funneh and *cough* Alec." We both shoot glares at him while Gold giggles. "Okay, let's begin in one two three." Alec and I find a hiding place. "Okay, let's go here!" Alec whispered in my ear as I tried to disagree with him. But he pulled me in and ignored my protest. He places his palm over my mouth. I turn back to glare at him.

"Where are they?" Kyran yelled and I try to stay silent. Gold told him to find in another direction while I look at Alec again. "I know I'm hot but you don't have to rub it in." I hit his shoulder and look away. "Y-You're not. Anyways, thank you for like the party thing a night ago." He nodded and patted my head. "Huh, that was nothing Davis." The closet door opens and Alec swiftly grabs his water gun to hit Kyran in the face. "Hah, gotcha." He grunts in frustration. "Ugh!"


"We wonn!" Gold and Kyran exclaimed in pure joy. Both Alec and I and I sent more glares through their souls. But I instantly shifted my personality. "Ugh, that sucks! C'mon Alec, let's go." I dragged Alec outside and kept looking beside and infront of us. "Get in the car." I command him as he raises his eyebrow in confusion. "Let's get them back." He nods, "Yeah, I agree. But where the hell are you going? To our future graveyard?" I shake my head and stop the car.

"Fine, I hate driving anyways. Want to drive?" He nodded and we changed seats. "Shoot." I look at him, "What?" Then. . "I forgot to bring a hoodie or something to hide my identity." I show him the sweater that Kyran left at my car. "Well, done worrying?" He suddenly felt calm and we both drove to the supermarket to prank them back.

Cheaters. You'll get your comeback when we're done buying disgusting for your disastrous dinner. I grin to myself as we both head inside the supermarket. "How about mustard?" Alec sent me a cheeky smiled and showed me the 'Twizzlers'. "They both hate it." I nodded back as we both grab ingredients that don't work together.

This prank will send us back to our graves. Oh dear. Please don't kill me. This may just maybe a taste of their own medicines?


im sorry if it's badddd....

please(im desperate XD):

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