twenty - two - official?

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twenty - two - official?

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twenty - two - official?


For the past few days Alec and I had been giving eachother the cold shoulder treatment. I think that I deserved it for ignoring him as he now doesn't care for me anyways. What hurts is that I had just realized that I had feelings for him and when you like someone; you can't stop thinking about them. Everyday you feel that you are being tortured by your brain. Everyday I wish to forget him for making me crazy and making me insane. I wish I could just flick these feelings off my shoulder. I wish! But what could I do?

I just cancelled a freaking plan that we have been excited for weeks. Whatever I would rather stay in my house sulking for hours, days, maybe months? I knew I couldn't do this forever. I wiped the tears that were drippng down my face as I tried to stop myself. I couldn't bring myself to stop. I ruined our stupid friendship that I didn't even notice that were there in the first place. Way to go Funneh, way to go.

But. .

Was it even one? My mind was killing me. I grabbed my phone and dialled Kyran's number. When he picked up; a sense of relief ran through me. "Kyran, can I please go out? Alone?" I heard a tedious silent until Kyran sighed. "Funneh, please be careful. But it's good that you've decided to finally take time with nature." I thanked Kyran and paced up my speed in changing my attire. I kept my head down while walking outside. Recently; when I had attended Elisse's party I had been noticed ALOT lately.


Love is difficult to find. But why is it that I always fall inlove with the wrong person? When will I finally find someone that I will love? I mean, love is a deep topic. A sensitive one for the least. What can I say? I distract myself by walking around and asking useless questions to myself. Don't get me wrong. I just value my time with myself. Especially when I feel that I really need it. Kyran couldn't get through me easily. So the only thing that he could do was let me be.

And I guess sometimes that plan did work. With my pathetic lovesick life; this feeling will eventually fade away right? I will finally feel at ease once I just release these feelings that have been the one causing the problems in the first place. Alec and I will only be friends and everything will be back at their place!

Yeah! Okay, the first step is like . . forgetting about feelings. Oh boy.

When I tell you that it is hard to forget about feelings; it is. Do you see how I'm acting now? I've been feeling so wrecked lately. So unlike me; I am not supposed to act like this! I wish for the wind to take me and spin me apart. Oh, that doesn't work. Only works in magic stuff. Ugh! Just please let me forget about this prick! Please. I blink back tears and wipe them quickly. Lizzy sent me an article about . .

Alec and Elisse having an official relationship.


lol i just wanted to sorry if you're hurt! please don't kill me!!

please(im innocent!!):

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