Q & A with author - nim and characters!

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okay let's start..!

question for me:

a.) CrazyShippingFeverXD  : How did you find out about FALEC?

ⓡⓔⓐⓗ: well, a few years ago I was watching MINECRAFT ROLEPLAYS (it was my addiction back then.) and stumbled actoss a MINECRAFT SERIES called "Yandere High School." I thought that it was just like a Yandere Simulator but in blocks version; but it ended up proving me wrong. When season one had ended I had forgotten about it but I recently just found out that season two had been released. So yeah!

b.) CrazyShippingFeverXD : What inspired you to make this story?

ⓡⓔⓐⓗ: I wasn't really inspired by something it was just a moment of silence then suddenly getting a 'ding' in my head and suddenly thought of this cliche plot. 😂😂 that's why it was called 'cliche romance'.

c.) CrazyShippingFeverXD : How did you find out about ItsFunneh?

ⓡⓔⓐⓗ: I had found out about the series 'Yandere High School'. I had to subscribe to find out when a new episode was released. I had found more content on ItsFunneh that were interesting so overall it was a win - win situation. :)

d.) sockbun : How did you come up with the plot?

ⓡⓔⓐⓗ: well, i had answered it a while ago on CrazyShippingFeverXD 's question. I had just came up with it randomly without anymore furthur thought and just winged it.

e.) sockbun : Did your characters resemble someone in real life?

ⓡⓔⓐⓗ: nope, that's why I wasn't confident in this book's potential because I didn't base it up with people that I knew or any realistic real life person that I had met.

f.) sockbun : Did you ever felt that your book wasn't good enough?

ⓡⓔⓐⓗ: well, obviously for a writer like me that isn't a PRO it was evident that I wasn't confident on my writing. I just wrote for the sake for the book to finish. I felt like the book would drag on forever. And that is not how you're supposed to feel when in writing a book. You should feel confident, and you should be writing because it makes you feel GREAT, it improves your writing skills. Not because you just want to finish a book.

g.) sockbun : Did you have enough time to plan?

ⓡⓔⓐⓗ: when I came up with this book it was when I was on school, I was busy. and I felt like if I didn't publish a chapter my readers would hate me and tell me that I took too long or something. that was something I been keeping in my chest. yes, I didn't have any time at all to plan. it was just my mind telling me that I had to publish atleast ONE chapter or else my readers would complain. so writing this book really had me upside down.

questions for my characters:

act 1

CrazyShippingFeverXD was waiting in her chair while crossing her arms and tapping her feet impatiently on the marbled floor. Waiting for centuries for Alec to finally arrive. He apologised profusely and sat down with CrazyShippingFeverXD. "So why did Reah want me here?" Alec asked in nervousness, sipping his coffee to keep him calm. CrazyShippingFeverXD  stared him down and asks a question. "Alec, when did you start having feelings for Funneh?" Alec's blank face suddenly morphed into a smile. "Well, when we were sitting on a bench outside Kyran's congratulatory party. She was crying because she thought that she hurted Elisse. I just felt my feelings grow at that point. Her head leaning on my shoulder made my heart pound faster. Which I prayed that she didn't hear. I seem cheesy but I don't regret that."

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