thirteen - party: his touch (PART 1)

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thirteen - party: his touch (PART 1)

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thirteen - party: his touch (PART 1)


As we were near the venue; my heart was beating so fast. I held my hand close to my chest and tried to drown my thoughts by looking at the beautiful sundown. I felt my hand being touched by someone but immediately lifted his palm. Because I only know who's beside me — Alec. I slightly blushed but  the good thing is that my blush was hidden in the (already) dark sky. My hand was literally shaking. "Stop worrying Davis. You loved singing. You'll probably drown in that music in your head. Don't worry too much." He teased. "Ugh, you don't understand Arden." He frowns as I continue my statement. "You have performed live at hundreds of live concerts. Don't tell me that." I was itching to undress at this moment. But that wouldn't be much appropriate.

This was a public party. It means this party will be surrounded with cameras and news people. Ugh! I'm going to be so embarrassed if I mess up. "That doesn't mean I can't feel my heart beating abnormally fast when I start to perform." I look away. "That's the thrill of performing. You might just be overwhelmed or something." I reason out. Making him shake his head and sigh. "Whateve—ooh, we're here." I suddenly feel myself dying of nervousness. "Okay, okay." I tell myself all over again. "Huh, get ready for the best and the most safest party of your life." I raised an eyebrow, what does he mean by sa—oh!

Okay then Alec, keep your dirty mind away from mine. "Let's enter?" Alec asked me as I slowly nodded in response. Oh god. I was flashed by many cameras and reporters. As the security tried to control the crowd of reporters and camera men. I hide behind Alec's back while he tries to pass through the crowd. "Okay, now that we've gotten away from them. . I guess. Just stay with me and you'll never get lost." I nodded and looked around to see many people staring at me. Well, this is really really awkward.

Alec looks at me and I quickly turn away from him. That is weird. Alec drags me from our table. "Wait, where are we going?" He doesn't answer my question and suddenly we run into camera men. Oh shiz. "Hello Sir Smith, can we possibly get an interview?" Alec kindly turned him down and we went to another table. "Why did we move to another table?" I asked Alec, but he only replied with a stupid answer. "It was too cold." Huh? The airconditioner wasn't even directly pointing at us. "Huh?" He nodded. "Ugh, fine. Too many guys were staring at you."

I blushed but tried to stop myself from feeling so weak from his remarks. "And. . Kyran told me to uhm, protect you from guys like those." He muttered. "Oh."

"Uhm, Funneh, I'll just grab a drink. Anything you uhh like?" I shake my head as he proceeds to get a drink. This is very scary, being alone. Three girls approach me. I only recognize Elisse but the two of them are very far from familiar. The first girl had jade blue hair and has very nice eyes and light colored skin. The second one has blue blackish hair. Elisse smiled, "This girl with the jade hair is named Lizzy, as in, Lizzy Rose." I nod and shake her hand. "And this is Forgotten Rice, just call her FR for short." I shot a smile as she does the same.

"We figured that you were alone." Uh, Alec just left me a minute ago. "Uh, okay." I awkwardly retort. "Anyways, nice to meet you guys." FR sat beside me, "So, are you Kyran's girlfriend? It has been spread all over media lately." I shake my head and chuckle. "No, he's actually my brother." I actually thought I heard her sigh in relief. "Good." I turn away from her and make a strange face. Does she like Kyran? Oh of course, she likes him. Why would she even ask?

Alec walks towards our table as he smiles instantly, "My two favorite girls, sup, Lizzy, what you doing lately FR?" Alec greeted them as they hugged him back. The awkward moment is. . he didn't even talk to Elisse. Okay. "Anyways Alec, you know Funneh?" He nodded. "Actually, we are going to perform a duet later." They all displayed surprised faces and pinched Alec in the cheek. "Oohhh, Lec has a crush!" They all squealed as Alec and I turned away from them. "Can't wait for the duet!!!" Elisse excused herself as I think that I was the only one who noticed.

I hope Elisse is okay.


i apologise if i messed up anything. huehue. im human!

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