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5-year-old y/n

"Mommy please," the little girl pulls her mother's arm. The mother was tired from work. She had cleaned over 25 rooms at a hotel, and the boss there had high expectations with the clean rooms. Since the hotel just opened, she wasn't getting a high pay.

"Y/n sweetie, you're too young to play the piano," she squeezes  her daughter's petite nose. "Maybe when you're in elementary school, how does that sound?"

"Yes! Yes!" the daughter jumps up and down. She hugs her mom real tight. "I can't wait, mommy! I'll become a pianist and make you proud! You won't have to work anymore either! I'll be the one paying everything for you mommy!"

Tears glisten in the corners of the mother's eyes. This isn't something that a six-year-old should be concerned about. Six-year-olds should be carefree, playing on playgrounds, asking for toys...not saying they'll help pay for stuff. The mother was now overwhelmed with so many emotions, the silent tears drops onto her daughter's cheeks. "Mommy," the little girl holds her mom's hand in her little ones. The daughter went through so much at such a young age, as her dad left the family for another woman. The father took all the money they had and made no wish to be in any contact with them ever again. The mother knew y/n was strong, after one incident that happened in her first kindergarten year, the year her father left.


2005, 1 year ago

"How was kindergarten honey?" her mother held her daughter's hand as they began walking back to their apartment.

"It was good," the 5-year-old daughter smiled.

"Oh?" the mother smiled back, squeezing her cheeks for she couldn't resist the cuteness.

"Today was 'Cook with your dad' day,"

The mother's smile faltered, "What did you guys make?"

"We made kimchi," she looked down, "Everyone brought their dads and I was the only one who didn't."

"Oh sweetie, I could've gone, why didn't you tell me?" the mother would do anything for her daughter.

"It was ok, a boy named Jimin in my class and his dad helped me," the daughter smiled again, "We're best friends now!"


2006, next day

"Jimin guess what?!" y/n runs over to her best friend who was hanging up his bag in his cubby.

"What is it?" Jimin waits for y/n's response.

"I'm going to get piano lessons when I'm in grade one!"

"Really?" Jimin holds y/n's hands as they begin jumping up and down.

"What level are you in right now?" y/n had always wanted to be in Jimin's piano class.

"Level 3," Jimin says proudly.

"Well, Imma get ahead of you once I start," y/n sticks her tongue out at him and runs away.

"No you won't!" Jimin yells as he chases after her.



"Have a good night teacher!" the students bow as they were picked up by their parents.

"Bye Jimin!" I wave.

"Goodbye y/n!" he smiles before leaving hand in hand with his parents.

"Oh y/ n, your mom's still not here?" the teacher walks up to her student.

The little girl shakes her head; she was patiently waiting on a little bench, swinging her legs back and forth.

"Let's play hopscotch while we wait for her," the teacher suggests and y/n happily agrees.

After 30 minutes, y/n's mom still hadn't shown up, which was odd since she was always here early.

Suddenly, the phone rings and the teacher leaves y/n to answer.

"Omg," the teacher shakingly puts the phone down and grabs her coat. "Come with me y/n,"

"Where are we going?"

The teacher grabs y/n's hand and they both quickly get in the car.


"Mommy?" y/n's face which was always bright and glowing is now pale and gloomy. A nurse blocks  y/n's way as the little girl tries to get to the lifeless body on the bed which is covered with a sheet from head to toe.


The painful cry rings out through the hospital. The teacher holds the child as she begins to cry also, patting the child's back, trying to calm down the sobbing, but it worsens it .

Y/n had been excited all day at school. She had prepared a card and a gift and was looking forward to this day. It was her mom's birthday. But this special day, turned out to be a day she wished she had never looked forward to.

A/N: OMG you guys as you have probably already known, this is a Min Yoongi fanfic, and I'm so excited!!!

Thank you guys so much for reading and if you enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to comment and vote. That'd help me sooooo much.

Love you guys,


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