36.Let Go

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Jimin's POV

"Ok, like this," Hobi hyung demonstrates the dance for the fifth time, moving like a snake.  Jungkook and I watch tiredly. We've been practicing one part of the choreography for almost an hour and I was exhausted and hungry. No. Starving. Today is my seventh day of not eating. The emptiness made me cranky and moody.

"Like this, hyung?" Jungkook follows the moves smoothly than last time and Hobi hyung claps excitedly.

"Yes! That's exactly it, Kookie!"

Jungkook beams at the compliment. The two dance in sync, watching their moves in the reflection. Hobi hyung stops and turns around. "Yah Park Jimin. Why aren't you dancing?"

I push my hair back, "Sorry hyung." I get into position beside him but he frowns.

"Are you ok? You've been looking wrecked all day today."

Jungkook eyes me worriedly but I wave my hand, "No. I'm fine." I can see through Jungkook's eyes that he knows exactly what I'm worried about. I give him a look, basically saying to keep his mouth shut and he does.

"Jimin-ah," We all face the door where Namjoon hyung stands. "Your parents are here."

I lift my brows, "My parents?" The other two stands beside me, surprised just as I am. Our parents never came to visit. Instead, it was the other way around since we're so busy. But then, we're too busy to even visit them.

He nods, "Yeah, they're by the entrance." They watch me leave the room. I quickly jog down the winding halls, swallowing the nervousness that formed in my throat. Why are they here? They wouldn't want me to quit, will they? I've come this far...

I stop in my tracks when I see them. It's been months but they're still the same.

"Jimin-ah," my mom steps forward first and embraces me. I hug her back and realize how much I've grown taller. She pulls away and cups my face then trails down squeezing my arms, "You've lost so much weight."

I smile a reassuring smile and my dad comes up, "As long as you're healthy," he pats my back. "I'm happy."

"Thanks, dad," I look at the both of them. "What brings you here?"

My mom glances at me then at my dad who says, "We just wanted to take you out for dinner. You know, to catch up and stuff."

Dinner? I guess today's the last day of diet for me then.

"Ok," I nod. "I'll quickly get changed." I rush to my room with thoughts swirling in my head. I hope I don't have to quit.


"Thank you for visiting me," I pick up my utensils and they chuckle.

"I miss watching you eat," my mom looks at me with hearts in her eyes. "My baby is all grown up." My dad's eyes twinkle as he watches me also.

I laugh, "Mom, Dad. Let's eat."

They finally pick up their forks and knives. We dig into the steaming food, enjoying every little taste. Kinda. It's been a while from eating and my stomach wasn't agreeing with me or the food. It hurts whenever  I swallow but I smile and keep eating.

I chew slowly and wait for them to tell me the real reason for taking me out.

"So, how's the training?" my dad cuts his steak and takes a small bite.

I'll have to say that it's good or else, my mom will worry too much and will tell me to quit. "It's g-good," I answer. They both look up from their plates and I try to act natural. "It's quite fun, actually."

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