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Jimin's POV

"Aish! Who left their dirty socks on my bed?!" I pick up the pair of socks with smiling suns and fling it to the floor.

"Not mine," Jin hyung holds up his hands and walks  out of our room.

The dorm is a pigsty, smelly and messy. Whole bunch of garbage is littered  everywhere, dirty laundry from shirts to underwear, and random items. I'm going to let it go since there are 5 guys living here. No wait, correction. 6 GUYS.

Were those socks that new kid's?

I snatch the empty chip bag that's  on the ground and throw it in the garbage. "Aish," I can not tolerate this any longer. I came here to become a singer, not a janitor.

"Um, excuse me,"

My head snaps towards the new guy, who's  standing in the doorway. "You," I glare at him, taking quick steps towards him. "You were the one, weren't you?"

His eyes goes wide, staggering backward, "W-what are you talking about?" his voice wobbles. Although he is taller than me, I'm older than him. Ha.

"You put these dirty, sunshine socks on my bed!" I point to the pair on the ground and stare him down. Well, up.

He gulps, shaking his head, "N-no, that wasn't me! I just moved here!"

I harshly poked his chest, "Exactly, you just moved here, that's why all your stuff is everywhere."

He shakes his head again, "I didn't even unpack anything yet! I was with PD-nim all day today." He looks behind me and points, "See, my suitcases are still locked."

I turn around and sure enough, the two big suitcases are side by side by a neatly made bottom bunk across from mine. He pushes past me and sits  down on his bed, giving me this, 'I told you so' look.

Argh, this guy! When I first saw him walking into our company last night, I knew I had seen him somewhere. He looked familiar and I didn't like him. He was the guy with y/n. The guy y/n went to eat ice cream with. I told y/n several times, that shouldn't go hang out with random guys, but she said she was getting lonely without me around, so what could I do? She better not be hanging around with another guy right now, or else.

"Hey! Who threw my precious socks on the floor?" Hoseok hyung picks up the sunshine socks and carefully places it on his bed. The new guy smirks at me, and I can feel my blood rush up to my face. I push my bangs off my forehead, "I'll be back." I pick up my phone and a mask.

"Where are you going?" Hoseok hyung plops on his bed, scrolling through his phone while laying down on his side. The new guy eyes me before looking away, opening his suitcase.

"Just to get some fresh air," I loop the mask on my ears, and check my phone as I exit the building. 5:05. I breathe through my nose, gritting my teeth so I won't spit out any profanities. That Taehyung guy really pisses me off. First, hanging out with y/n, and now, freakin' joining the same company. AND THE SAME FREAKIN' BAND.

I walk slowly, taking in everything around me. It's been a while since I went outside. It's still quite early for students and workers to go home, and many are just hanging out at the food stands. Hey, lamb skewers. They're y/n's favorite. I remember the first time when she tried them. We were in middle school and it was served for lunch in the cafeteria. She instantly fell in love with it. We were only allowed to eat one so I bought her some more after school.

Hm, maybe I should go visit her. I shove my hands in my hoodie pocket and walk down the old, familiar street, which was always welcoming. The street I'd walk y/n after school every day, brought me happiness and old memories. I'm soon standing in front of the orphanage, which isn't  so welcoming. The windows are  old with cracks and the bottom floor ones have metal bars to keep the thieves out. The door isn't  metal, which is very rare to see in Korea. They really need to renovate this place.

I knock on the door solidly 4 times. It's a code between me and y/n, letting her know it's me. The warm evening breeze brushes against my face, causing my bangs to shift. After what it seemed  like 10 seconds, I rap my knuckles again against the door. I strain my ears for any noises inside the building. Usually, I would hear her running down the stairs, but today, it's silent. Weird.

I pull out my phone and call her. Right away, it brings  me to her voice message. Oh right, she's probably at work. After checking for the last time, I turn around and head towards the food stand by the piano academy. The academy is brightly lit, and I can see students working in their workbooks.

I pull my mask down as I begin to huff from running. There is a ton of food stands here, and one where y/n works, only one person is behind the stand. And it isn't  her.

My eyes search through the busy place. It doesn't  help with all the young girls wearing their freakin' school uniforms either.


I feel someone grab my arm. I turn to see a girl in a school uniform. She has thick makeup on, which is strictly against the school rules, telling me that she was probably one of those girls. There are  two other girls who are  similarly made up like this one. They're  standing a few feet behind her, giving me dirty smiles. Ew.

"Can you let go of my arm?" I give  it a little shake, but she holds on tighter.

"Waait~ What's your name?" Her voice is  sickly drawled. And she isn't  even drunk. She presses her body against mine; my nose is clogging up from her disgustingly, overpowering perfume. I feel nauseous. "My name is-"

"I don't care," I pull on my arm and walk forward, but she sticks right with me, not letting me go. This bish.

"Ooh, feisty. I like that, oppa," she bites her bottom lip, attempting to look seductive. Her little minions are following us, giggling as they snap pictures of me.

Oh shit, I can't let this happen. I'll ruin my reputation and image!

I pull on my hood and put my mask back on, "Can you please let go?" I rip my arm away from her grip, causing her to stumble forward.

She regains her balance, "Angg~ Come on, let's go to my place-"

I ignore her and return  looking for y/n. She's usually here, or at the library.

"Oppa~ Let's -"

"Shut up!!" I pull  down my mask, "I'm not your fuckin' oppa, so stop following me!"

She looks startled. She scoffs, "Tch, I bet I wouldn't have had anything to look forward to with you anyway." She pivots on her feet and walks away with her friends.

Kids these days, I think she was only in middle school too. Gross.

Suddenly, I see the familiar, long black hair in a ponytail. There she is. Y/n's still in her school uniform, ordering lamb skewers. Of course, why didn't I come here right away?

I jog towards her, "Y/n-" my voice gets  caught in my throat.

She has her arm looped in another guy's arm. What the-

She leans in and says  something that makes him smile. The guy is not much taller than me, with black hair that covers his eyes. He is way slimmer than me though. His classmate? But he isn't  wearing a school uniform. Please let him be just a classmate. Nothing else.

I watch her pull him to an empty table, her back towards me. I have a better view of the guy now. He's wearing a grey hoodie with ripped jeans. His skin is pale like he had BB cream on or something. He starts to eat the lamb skewers that y/n had bought, nodding every few seconds to whatever y/n is talking about.

My feet don't ' move. They're glued to the ground.

I rub my eyes to make sure what I'm seeing is real. I open my eyes. Y/n is laughing now, throwing her head back, her ponytail swaying side to side. The guy never looks up at her though, even when she has her chin propped in her palms, while probably gazing at him as he eats the skewers.

After what seemed like 10 minutes, they stand up, and y/n holds onto his arm. Again. She looks up at him and laughs after saying something. This time, he laughs with her, shaking his head.

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