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Your POV

The school bell rings, signaling that we're dismissed. The teacher yells something about an assignment or whatever but it's inaudible with the commotion the students are making. 

I swing my backpack over my shoulders and follow the others out the door. Getting home excited me than usual, thinking about my boyfriend.  It hasn't been awkward and I hope it won't be in the future. 

I skip past the school gate when someone gets a hold of me. I turn around to slap the attacker but my hand stops in midair when I see the person. He has sunglasses on and a black hoodie with jeans. My hand slowly drops to my side, "Jimin?" My heart quickens at the sight of him. The emotions I have bottled up all of a sudden vanishes, and I'm more relieved than mad to see him. 

He pulls the hood down, "Y/n, we need to talk." His voice is in a serious tone, matching his facial expression.

"Right now?"  I wiggle out of his grip and surprisingly, he doesn't hold on but looks behind me. I try to look over my shoulder but he grabs my hand. 

"Yeah, but not here," he says lowly and we walked down the streets and into a cafe. The coffee aroma warms my mood but quickly melts away when Jimin harshly sits me in a chair. I wince but he doesn't seem to notice. Or maybe he did but I don't know behind those shades. He takes them off and sets them down on the table. I can finally see his eyes and they're blazing with fiery. He rakes his hair back as he huffs and locks attractively full into a messy style, making him look dangerous. Very dangerous. 

"Y/n," he stares at me boldly and I shift under his intimidating gaze. "I really hope this is the last time I see you."

I swallow thickly and squint, not wanting to start crying, "W-what? Why Jimin? Why? Why are you leaving me? You promised you'd stay with me."

He crosses his arms, "I don't think you need me anymore." His expression is unreadable and I try hard to read him but he shows nothing.

"Of course I need you," I say desperately. "Why would you even think that?"

His expression doesn't change. He takes out his phone and shows me a photo. It's a post I had posted on Instagram last night, with me and Yoongi at the concert. We obviously look like a couple, with him hiding his face in the crook of my neck and how his arms are wrapped around me.  I can feel my face flush. "Yeah," I muster out. "That's my boyfriend. But what has this have to do with you leaving me? You're my best friend."

His lips part open as he lifts his brows, "So this guy," he points at the photo. "is your boyfriend." He then laughs bitterly, "That's why you didn't answer my call." I sit still guiltily, not know how he'll react. He looks at the photo again and breathes out through his nose slowly. He inhales sharply and smiles, "Well, I'm happy for you y/n. He can be there for you when I can't."

I bit my bottom lip and shake my head, "Yeah, but I still need you. You're like my brother."

He runs his fingers through his hair, "Brother, huh?" He looks away, hurt. 

Did I say something wrong? Isn't brother good?

We're interrupted when my phone rings. It's Yoongi and I glance up at him. He nods, telling me to pick up the call. 

I clear my throat, "Oh, oppa." I can see Jimin roll his eyes and he abruptly gets up. I put a hand on his arm but he brushes it off and storms out of the cafe. 

"When are you coming home?" he asks. He sounds like he just woke up, his voice husky and groggy.

I stand up, "I'll be there soon. Why?"

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