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Yoongi's POV

I wrap the robe around me tight as the cold air envelopes my body without her warmth. I roll around on the bed, gripping my hair. 

I said it. I actually called her my girlfriend. And she called me her boyfriend. Is this actually happening? Or am I dreaming?

My body gets the jitters from just thinking of her. 

For real though. Is this a dream or reality?

The thoughts disperse when I hear the loud click of the entrance door close. By the amount of light that shines in my eyes, I figure it's early morning. Who the fuck would be here this early? Better not be that Jungkook kid. 

I hear a kid though. Not Jungkook. Younger. Much younger than him. Then, another voice penetrates mem. IT's familiar, stuck in the deepest part of my brain that I can't throw away. My heartbeat quickens when the voice gets clearer and more audible. 

Why are you here? Just leave. Leave.

But it doesn't.

Y/n starts talking but I can't make out the sentences. She's saying 'sorry', 'but', and 'not'. After a few moments of eavesdropping, I force myself up, fixing the robe. I slowly open my half-closed door. The floor beneath my feet are cold but my blood boils with each step I take. The voices cease when I make it down to the end of the hallway. Someone gasps. 

"Yoongi oppa," y/n murmurs. "She's-"

"Go into your room," I tell her in a firm tone. She doesn't question but I hear her walk away. She seems to have taken the little boy along because after the door closes, I hear him talking again. 

My mind slowly regains fuel, although it's early in the morning. It's probably the first morning ever in my whole life for me to be fully awake like this. 

"Y-Yoongi-ah," she whispers, sounding like she's on the verge of tears. 

"How'd you get the address?" I sigh in annoyance. This is going to be a long ass day I can tell. 

"Your brother told me," she replies, breathing little breaths every second. "Yoongi, I missed you. I love you, can you for-"

I hold up a hand, "Don't say 'Forgive me'. You're not in the place to ask me that."   She sniffles and doesn't say anything. I rub my face, "If that's all you gotta say, can you leave? You just ruined my fucking birthday, thank you." 

"Oh, your birthday. Yoongi-ah, let's-let's talk. We haven't talked in ages."

I don't even answer but she leads me to a seat at the dining table. Her touch is familiar, yet so foreign. I cross my arms and wait. Awkwardness hangs in the atmosphere and the clock ticks by loudly, overpowering our breathing. 

"So," she finally clears her throat. "How was high school?"

I shrug, "I graduated so it was ok, I guess."

Silence again. 

I gulp in nervousness. Why did she have to come today? My brother's gonna get it...

"I'm sorry I couldn't make it to your graduation," she says. "There were so many things going on at the time."

"Couldn't or wouldn't?" I mutter under my breath so I'm the only one able to hear. She sounds sincere and I want to believe her. But that day flashes back in my mind and I shake my head. "I wasn't expecting for you to come," I say.

"Oh," she croaks. A few seconds flood by until she speaks up again, "I see that you're doing really well though. Even found yourself a girlfriend."

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