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Taehyung's POV

"Yeah, I really like dolphins and pandas," y/n shows me sketches of them on her phone.

"Wow, you drew all of these?" I zoom in a dolphin one. The water droplets glisten and the textures drawn seems really professional.

"Yeah, I like to draw," y/n shyly says. "Do you?"

"I love to draw," I smile. "I usually sketch landscapes and stuff. I also like photography."

"OMG!!" y/n yells excitedly. "Me too!!!"

"SHHHH!" a group of students shushs her from a table behind us. Y/n apologetically bows her head. Cute.

"Hey, do you wanna come over to my place?" I offer. "think we could talk more comfortably there if you don't mind."

"Uhh-" she checks her phone, "Sure, it's 8 pm." We gather all our belongings and shoved it into our bags.

"Thank you," y/n walks out the door as I hold it open.

Although it was late, the dark night is lit up by neon signs, with food stands, and public performances. People are milling about like it's daytime.

"Is your house nearby?" y/n asks.

"Yeah, I share an apartment with a roommate." We walk beside each other in silence. I feel really nervous and my heart beats really fast. Calm down Kim Taehyung.

"A girl roommate?" wHa-

"No! Of course not! I'm not that type of person! Why would you think- Do I seem like-"

Y/n laughs, "Ok, ok. How long have you lived here?" She looks at me innocently. Seems like she's comfortable around me now.

"Hmm, about a few months. I'm from Daegu actually. My roommate is also from Daegu which is interesting."

"Really? I moved here recently too from Busan."

I turn to her as we kept walking, "Did you come here for schooling?" She nods. "Same."

"We're here," We enter the newly built apartment building. "Luckily, I live on the first floor so we don't have to go up the elevator or take the stairs."

"Do you like the first floor?" y/n asks when we reached my door.

"It's ok. My roommate likes the first floor 'cause it's easier for him. And plus, we have pets."

"Pets?" y/n cocks her head. "What kind?"

"I have a chameleon," I grin. "He's really cool."

"Oh," y/n looks uncomfortable. "It's in a tank though, right?"

I shake my head," Nope, we let him out so he can get some exercise after all those roaches."

Y/n scrunches her nose," I don't really like-"

"I'm just kidding," I push her arm gently. "Just come in and you'll see," I punch in the code and the door opens with a ding, "Yeontan~"

The small black and brown puppy jumps down from a leather couch, scrambling into my big hands. He's smaller than my head and is the cutest thing. "Aw, did you miss me? I missed you too, mwah~" I kiss his tiny snout as he licks my face.


What the- oh I forgot about her.

"He's sooooo cuuuuuute!" Y/n kneels down beside me and Yeontan wiggles out of my grasp, bounding into y/n's lap. "Hi Yeontan," y/n cooes at my baby. "You're so cute, you know that?" Yeontan let's out a little bark and licks her face. It's an adorable sight to see. I've never had a girl over at my house before. I'm glad it's not awkward with y/n. I don't have many friends since the move... I'm happy to see her being herself. She was really quiet at the library at first.

"Y/n, did you have dinner?" Y/n giggles as Yeontan begins to pull her socks off with his little teeth.

"No, I didn't."

"K, I'll make some ramen," I head toward the kitchen. Hmm, I wonder if she likes spicy.

"How old is Yeontan?" y/n follows me, snuggling Yeontan.

"He's four months old," I rip open two packages. "Do you eat spicy?"

"I eat anything," y/n replies.

"Oh?" I wiggle my eyebrows at her before turning back, putting a pot of water on the stove.

"Yah!" she hits my arm causing me to almost spill the water. "You told me you weren't that type of person!"

"What do you mean?" I turn around, looking at her obliviously. Y/n's face flushes crimson red, snuggling her face into Yeontan's back.

"Never mind," she says quickly. "The water's boiling.

I chuckle, earning a glare from her even though her eyes twinkle in amusement. I put the noodles and the soup mix into the pot. Y/n watches beside me while stroking Yeontan's head. We don't talk but just stand and wait for the ramen. I feel timid again, being close to y/n. I try to think of something to say, so it'd be less awkward.

"Ahem," I clear my throat. "When's your birthday?"

"April 14th," she says. Y/n gently drops Yeontan and he goes over to his food bowl. "When's yours?"

"December 30th," I remove the pot from the heat and take out two bowls.

"Then I'm older than you," y/n pokes my back.

"Yeah," I snort. "By only a few months. Here's yours," I hand her a bowl and a pair of wooden chopsticks. We walk over to the small, round dining table and sit at opposite ends.

"Thanks, Taehyung," y/n smiles at me. To be honest, I already knew a ton of stuff about y/n. Well, maybe not a ton but she's well known at our school since she was the smartest student in our grade. Not only smart but athletic. I remember seeing her in the white t-shirt and black short shorts in gym class. All the guys would drool over her. Unfortunately, I wasn't in her class to witness great moments like this, but I guess it was the best for my uncontaminated eyes. Y/n's attractive, that's no lie, but as I said, I'm not that type of person.

"Hey, it's just ramen," I reply,slurping some into my mouth.

"No, not just this," y/n stirs her ramen with the chopsticks. "for talking to me. I was kinda getting bored without my best friend," she carefully eats her noodles, trying not to slurp all over the place like I did.

"Oh, no problem," I wipe my mouth with a napkin. "Did you have a fight with your best friend or something? I mean, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"Oh no no," y/n laughs cutely, waving her hands. "He's a trainee to become a Kpop idol. He's really busy so..."

"Oh, I see," I nod.

"Do you play the piano?" y/n points to a piano book that sitting on the table.

"No," I gulp down the last bit of the ramen soup. "My roommate plays," I glance at the clock hanging behind y/n, "It's 10 pm. Weird, he should be here by now."

"10 pm???" y/n gasps, looking back to check the time herself. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know, I lost track of time."

She stands up, "Thanks for everything Taehyung. I appreciate it."

"You can stay over," I hope that she would, but also hoped she'd refuse. It'd get so awkward. But at the same time, I want to get to know her more, since we just met...

"Are you sure?" y/n glances at me worriedly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Yeah, you could meet my roommate too. He should be here soon and he's quite...special."


"Oh! That must be him," I walk over to the entrance and y/n follows. She bows and greeted him, "Annyeonghasaeyo," she looks up at my roommate and freezes.

A/N: Hey guys!!! I hope this story is enjoyable so far. If you liked this, don't forget to vote!!!

Love you guys,


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