42.Around and Around

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Jungkook's POV

"Uh, hyung, there are multiple horses so we each get to go on one," I inform. 

Y/n noona who looks flustered for a sec nods, "Yeah, you get to go on one by yourself. We won't be squished."

Yoongi hyung seems to think about it then he faces towards her, "But can we still go on it together?"

She looks at the horse, cocking her head, "I guess two can fit on it."

No way. She's not riding that thing with him. 

"Hyung, this ones not scary at all," I interject before they can go. "You just have to hang on to the pole and it goes around and around."

Y/n noona bites her lip, "Actually, I think I should go on it with him. It'll be safer..."

I furrow my brows as I start to panic. How will they both fit? They'd have to be so close and she'd have to hug him in order to-

"Let's go then," he says and she pulls him into the line. I trudge behind them. This is not what was supposed to happen. She's fixing his hair that got messed up from the previous ride. 

"Yoongi oppa," she touches his neat hair and he grabs her wrist. "What did you think of the roller coaster? Was it scary?" They interlace their hands and all I can see is their hands. It looks so intimate and so pure. The way she looks up into his eyes... His empty eyes that look right into her soul. Or her voice, I should say. I can tell their bond has strengthened the last time I saw them. What did they do?

I should be the one holding her hand. 

The noises surrounding me become muffled and my eyes start to sting for staring at one thing for too long. My gaze snaps back at them when she lightly punches his arm, laughing, "You were scared. You were like-like a baby!"

Baby? I'm the only baby here. 

When he leans in to whisper about something, his lips lightly brush against her cheek accidentally and he jerks back. Her face turns pink and then they just stand there, like they completely forgot about me. 

I look away and let out a sigh. This isn't what I planned. 

"Jungkook?" she gestures me to come closer. "Are you coming?"

I nod and find an empty horse. I watch as she helps him grab the metal pole. She jumps on behind him, wrapping her arms securely around his waist. I frown then try to think, "Excuse me." The attendant lifts his eyebrows. "IS two people allowed on this thing?" He nods. I slump down in my seat. This is going to be a long ass ride. 

She looks over her shoulder and gives me a smile, "You good?"

I force out a smile, "Yeah."

She looks forward and says something to Yoongi hyung who leans his head back to hear her better. The ride lurches and begins to go up and down while going around and around. Her hands go trail up to his shoulders, trying to sit up straighter. I exhale loudly and try to focus somewhere else. 

Hmm, this horse has blue eyes. Very pretty. And look, blonde mane.  Maybe I should try that. 

The music is loud and with the people's voices added into it, my ears keep ringing uncomfortably. A laughter is audible among all the noises and it's her. Her face is against his back and I can see her side profile: eyes closed and lips tugged upwards into that smile. The same smile that stopped my heartbeat the first time I saw her. 

Yoongi hyung shakes his head and she pushes him slightly with her body. Like grinding. 



Something builds up inside the pit of my stomach and I tear my eyes away from them. I hate him. I hate this. He knows I like her. 

The dim glowing lights brighten up her face, making her fair skin shine and making it more vivid. Her hands slowly slide back down by his waist. 

I blink my eyes to keep the unexpected liquids from spilling. Damn it. Why am I feeling like this over her? There are tons of noonas out there. And if my soon-to-be fans find out what kind of boy I was, they'd be disgusted in me. 

The merry go around slows to a stop and I scramble off to help her get down. She laughs, "I can get down myself, Jungkook." She effortlessly jumps down, "But you can help Yoongi oppa."I look up at him and he doesn't look too happy either. She nods at me, "Go on." 

I bite my lip and grab his waist. Surprisingly, he's lighter than I thought. 

"Thanks," he mumbles and she links her arm through his, "Let's go on the Ferris wheel!"

I frown, "I thought this one was our last one."

She shrugs, "I feel like going on one more. And I promise this will be the last one." She looks up at me, "Just one more ride, Kookie." She bashes her lashes. 

I choke on my saliva when I hear those words. Holy shit, how is she just so... adorable and innocent looking?

Yoongi hyung tugs his arm, "Let's just go. Why're you even asking him? We're older than him."

I glare at him and she rubs his arm, letting out an awkward laugh, "Let's go Kookie. We'll go on this one together."

"No," me and Yoongi hyung answer at the same time. Again. We face each other and the tension is maddening. I can't see his eyes but the way his jaw is set and lips pressed tight together, I can tell he's pissed. But so am I. 

"Hyung, you just went on one with her," I point out. I have to go on this one with her. Just her. 

Y/n noona looks back and forth between us, "Guys, let's just-"


Y/n noona looks back with Yoongi hyung and two familiar figures come into view. I stand still, not knowing what to do. 

Shit, I'm in trouble. 

"Uh, hey," I wave at them and it's obvious that they're disappointed in me talking with a girl. Jin hyung steals a glance at y/n noona and Hoseok hyung does a full check out while eating a Snickers bar. But when they see Yoongi hyung, they cower back. I bite my bottom lip from yelling at them. 

Y/n noona smiles, "Hello, my name is Park y/n, Jungkook's friend."

I mentally facepalm myself as their mouths form into an "o", lifting their brows. I smile, collectively first at y/n then to the members, "I was about to head home."

Hoseok hyung nods, "Us too. Perfect timing."

I turn to the confused noona, "Bye, see you next time." Jin and Hoseok hyung wave and the three of us walk away as I hold my breath. Shit, I got caught. What are they going to do? What's Namjoon hyung going to do? What is Bang PD going to do?

"Just a friend, right?" Jin hyung asks when we exit the playland entrance gate. I nod. 

Hoseok hyung lets out a loud sigh, "Jungkook, I thought we talked about this."

I scratch the back of my neck, "I know. It was just this once, trust me."

They look at me unsurely and I look up into the dark, starry night. They chill wind blows on my face, brushing the hair out of my eyes. "You won't tell, right?"

They shake their head, "We won't."

A/n: SUMMER TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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