21.Soft Spot

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Your POV

"Thank you, have a good night," the cashier hands my change, which I carefully put into my wallet. If you lose something small, you'll lose something big. It's not easy to save up as a student.

I carry two bags full of ramen, eggs, and apples. These are the only things I can afford. I check my phone. It's almost 10:30 pm. No messages from Jimin.

Gosh, I wonder how he's been doing. Is he made because I didn't reply back right away that day? I texted him back later though. But all he said was 'ok'. I've been so busy with school that I didn't even talk to Yoongi oppa. Since I'm not able to pay for private after-school classes, I had to study double times the amount of the other students. I need the scholarship.

I quickly arrive at the apartment. I can't wait to take a shower and sleep. I punch in the code and hear someone yell, "He's fucking underage." Was that Yoongi oppa? Is someone here? I slip off my shoes and quietly enter.


An unexpected person bounds up to me. Taehyung takes the plastic bags as I head into the kitchen for a glass of water. My throat feels so dry from tiredness that I couldn't properly greet him back. "Oh!" I see another unexpected person. This was the guy at the lamb skewer stand, right? "I know you."

The tall, young guy's eyes turns into saucers, his mouth hanging open.

Um, ok. I chuckle at his cuteness as I drink down a glass of water. I lift my brows but he just stares at me, then licks his lips. He blinks once. And twice.

"You know her?" Taehyung comes and stands beside me. He looks at me then at him, "You know her, Jungkook?"

Jungkook. So he is younger than me. I knew it.

"Y-yeah," he stutters.

Aww, how cute.

"Sh-she's the hot noona."

Aww, he's so- wait. wHAt? Did he just call me a hot noona?

"Um, me?" I look into his spaced-out eyes, making him snap back to reality.

"Ah!" he shakes his head wildly, waving his hands as if to erase what he just said. "I didn't mean-"

"Y/n!" Taehyung grabs my arm and pulls me into his chest. "You didn't even say hi to me."

I pat his back, "Sorry. How have you been doing?" I see the Jungkook guy look away awkwardly, poking the insides of his cheek with his tongue.

"I've been SO tired. The training isn't that easy," he pouts, making me smile genuinely for the first time this week. I nod. My eyes travel back over to the new guy, who's shifting on his feet uncomfortably. Taehyung seems to notice and says, "Jungkook, this is y/n. Y/n noona."

He hesitantly eyes me, his cheeks turning pink, "Hi, n-noona."

I inwardly scream at his adorable personality. He's so shy and so innocent looking to with those big, brown eyes.

"Hey, Jungkook."

His eyes grow wider as he sniffles and looks away,embarrassed. I see him smile, as his two front teeth poke out a bit. He looks like a bunny.

"Let's sit down," Taehyung suggests, waving Jungkook over. We head toward the living. room.

"Oh, Yoongi oppa. You're not sleeping yet?" I ask as I sit beside him and he yawns.

"Yeah. Taehyung wanted to talk," he rubs his nose with his forefinger and fixes his bangs.

"I see," I watch him fix his hair, then his face. I haven't seen him or talked to him since the day we went to the piano academy. To be honest, I kinda missed him. It gets lonely when you don't have anyone to talk to. Even though he talks coldly towards me sometimes, I believe he has a kind heart.

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