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Yoongi's POV

I'm startled awake by the softy steady tapping on my bare chest.

"You ok?" a female voice asks calmly next to me.

Now I smell perfume instead of alcohol, voices instead of screams, and I feel more at ease than intimidated.

I let out a stuttering breath, "Yeah."

Her touch is gone and I can feel her shift on the bed. She's lying down beside me on my right but not as close as last time. I'm used to this now for some reason and it doesn't bother me. 

"Did  you have  a bad dream?"

I fist the bed sheets and try not to stutter, "Kinda, not really." The coldness washes over my body that's layered with sweat.

It's been a while I had that dream. Maybe it's because I drank. "What time is it?" I grumble, rubbing my eyes. 

"It's past noon," she answers. "You slept for a long time."

I gulp as the dream slowly seeps out of my mind, "Did you sleep well last night?"

There's a silence, not even breathing sounds from her. She clears her throat after a few seconds pass, "I did."

I chuckle lowly, "Did you, actually? You just stuttered." 

"IT's just that you've never asked me that before," she says quietly.

I yawn, "Huh, really? Do you want me to ask you more questions like this?"

"Sure," she says happily. "I like talking with you."

My heart skips a beat and I try to calm down. It makes me wonder sometimes when we've grown to become so comfortable around each other that I let her lie down in the same bed with me. Like seriously, how did I become like this? 

"Why are you in bed with me?" I try to change the subject. 

"Can't I be in here?"

Her question throws me off and I sit up, leaning against the headboard. When did she become like this?  "You don't want to go to school again, do you?"

"Nope, I'm actually excited to go," she replies. 

I lift my brows, "Well, that's good. Go on then, you're late"

The bed creaks when she shifts again, "It's a Saturday."


"But, I have one question for you," she says in a nervous tone.

Goosebumps form on my arms and I swallow hard, "What is it?" Where did all my swag go?

"If I asked you out, would you say yes?"

I scoff, "No why?"

"Not even for a Spring Party at school?" she asks. Cutely. Shit. STTTTTOOOOOP

Wait, Spring Party?

"What month is it?"

"March," she answers. "So our school's holding  party at our school."

It's almost her birthday.

"So yes?"

I face her, "What?"

She sighs, "Can you be my date?"

I scrunch my nose, "Fuck no. It's at school, right?"

"Yeah," she says. 

I shake my head and laugh bitterly, "Yeah, not going. Sorry, better find somebody else. I'm too old for that shit anyways."

"Pleeeeeeease," she begs, holding my arm. The arm grows hot as if it's on fire. 

I take a deep breath, "Go ask Taehyung. He'll probably say yes."

"He already has someone," she whines. "I need you."

I almost choke on my saliva but quickly compose myself, "What will I get out of it?"

"I'll buy you lamb skewers."

I pull the blanket up higher when the chilly air brushes down my lower half of the body, "Well, can you leave so I can get changed? I'm naked."


"Why not right now?" I ask over the loud bass from the music.

"Because you might eat then not come with me, idiot," she drags me by the hand. "Let's go find Tae-"

"Did you just call me an idiot?" I pull her in and she whams against my chest.

"I mean o-oppa," she pushes me away and I can hear her nervousness.  I freeze. Oppa. Oppa. Oppa. Opppppa. She laughs, "Let's go find Taehyung."

As we walk closer to the building, self-consciousness begins to engulf me whole. I haven't felt like this in a while. In years. 

Ashamed. The emotion I always felt in public.

School. A place I dreaded to go to everyday.

Girls. The opposite gender of boys I've never run into since they were disgusted by me. 

These three things were here all at once and anxiety started to build up in my body. I stop in my tracks, making y/n stop also, "Wait," I breath comes out ragged like I've run a mile. "I don't know if I can do this."

I smell her sweet mist as she leans into me, "What? What's wrong? Is the music too loud? Do you not like people?" 

I hold her hand tight, regretting what I said. 

Just go. It'll be fine.

I force out a smile, "No no. Sorry, let's go."

"Alright," she says, unsure. "Tell me if you don't feel good, ok?"

I nod. 

The music gets louder as we get closer and the bass vibrates beneath my feet when we enter the school. I figure it's in the gym by the way the music fills my ears. There are a lot of people; I can tell by bumping into them, the talking and the stuffiness in the room. The sweet and sweat are mixed together, reminding me of my school days. 

"Yoongi oppa," y/n leans into my ear. "Look down."

I look down, confused. Then, I feel more insecure. 

She doesn't want to be seen with a blind guy as her date. My chest starts to hurt but before I can say anything, she sits me down at a chair. 

"All the girls were drooling and checking you out," she huffs. "I think there was even several guys too. Tch, the girls were shamelessly eating you up even with their boyfriends beside them. Geez."

My heart flutters when she says the exact opposite of my thoughts, "Oh, really?" I laugh shyly.

"Yeah," she pats my shoulder. "I'll be right back. Imma go get us some food. Oh, try calling Taehyung to see if he's here or not. And don't talk to girls ok?"

I smile, "Alright. Get lots of food."

"Don't talk to any of them, ok?"

I laugh out loud, "Ok, go get food."

"Will do," she pats my shoulder then leaves. 

I take out my phone and call Taehyung. It rings for about 20 seconds but he doesn't pick up. I try again but then it goes straight to his voice message. I exhale and slip the phone back into my pocket.

"Hyung?" My head snaps towards the soft voice. My hands get clammy as he comes nearer. "It's Yoongi hyung, right?" 

A/n: Guess who ;)

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