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Yoongi's POV

By the warm rays on my face, I know it's morning already. The air is chilly. It's always chilly in my room since I never let the sunlight in.

My throat feels dry, thirsting for water. Feeling around on my nightstand, I try to find my-what the heck? Where is my water bottle? That's the first. He always fills it up and leaves it beside me.

"Taehyung!" I lie still in my bed. All I can hear is the water running. Oh, he's taking a shower. I guess I woke up early today. My feet drags along the cold floor and I carefully feel around towards the door. To be honest, I hate using the walking stick. Especially in the house.

The sound of the running water in the bathroom is clearer once I'm in the hall. I knock on the door, "Taehyung, I need to go bad."

There's no answer. I can hear some kind of music blasting and echo against the bathroom walls. Exo, I think? Since when did he start listening to EXO?

"I'm coming in," I open the door. The hot steam hits my face and the smell of lavender shampoo finds my nostrils. Wait. Lavender? Huh, I guess I'll have to use the lavender shampoo too.

I stumble to the toilet and untie my pajama pants. The water stops and I hear the curtain open. I drop my pants, "Hey Taehyung, do you-"


The fuc-

"GET OUT! GET OUT!" a girl begins screaming at me. A girl? What the heck is a girl doing in our house and in our freakin' bathroom?

"GET OUT!!!"

"OK! OK!" I pull up my pants and run out of the bathroom, almost slipping on the wet tiles. The door slams closed hard behind me.

"Sheesh," I have to pee really bad.

Weird. Taehyung has never brought a girl home before. Sigh. I guess he's at that age already. He's in grade 10 after all. Wait, is it a different girl? What was y/n, then?

I hear the door open and it hit the wall with a bang. "Couldn't you have knocked?"


"Y/n?" I push myself off from the wall. "What are you doing here?"

She coughs, "I'll be staying here for a while. Taehyung said I could."

Taehyung said she could. That bastard. Without my permission. That dirty pervert, letting a girl stay here. Ugh. Imma kill him when he wakes up.

"And again, please knock before you enter the bathroom. I thought I locked it, but I guess not. Seriously though, haven't you heard of personal privacy?"

"Sorry," I scratch the back of my neck. "There's no lock on that door-"

"There's no lock? Shiz nits."

"-and I thought it was Taehyung, not you."

"The heck, Taehyung left remember?"

Oh. Right. How can I forget?

"Ok, well, I have to go to school. There's food on the table. I'll be back at 4. I wanna take you somewhere, so be ready to go by then." I hear her walk away to the entrance.

"Hell no, I'm not going anywhere," I say.

"You have no choice," she replies and closes the door.

Who does she think she is? To stay here, eat here, take a shower here, and to freakin' drag me out of my house?

"Tch," she can't make me go. Stupid girls. I finally go to the bathroom and relieved myself. They think they can get any guys they want. Ha. Not me. I'm not stupid like them. Like her.

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