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Taehyung's POV

"Wah~ That was really good!" I clap as Jungkook turns off the music.

"I made a mistake though," he gulps down some water. He's gleaming with sweat from dancing for hours. The black bangs  stick to his forehead, his white t-shirt now see-through, his abs prominent even through the material.

"It's ok," I pat his back. "I didn't notice it."

He dabs the sweat by his neck with the back of his hand, looking at me with his round eyes, "Really?"

"Yeah, really." He really tries hard, maybe even too hard. He has to get everything perfect, or else, he stresses out for the rest of the day. He gets frustrated even with the littlest things, and I feel like I need to comfort him. He's only in middle school, I think he should take it easy on himself. He'll get sick if he keeps on going like this. It hurts me to just watch him train under the strict environment. He doesn't even know himself that he's hurting physically. He goes over his limits. I don't want him to get sick.

He smiles his bunny smile at my response, rubbing the back of his neck shyly, "Thanks hyung." His cheeks start to turn red. I just want to pinch them. He's so adorable. I loop an arm over his broad shoulder and ruffle his sweaty hair.

Although we've been together for months now, Jungkook is the only one who's still introvert-like around the rest of the members. Because we all sleep in the same room, I notice when one of us is missing and it's usually Jungkook. At night, like past midnight, I always hear the shower running because he waited for everyone to get into bed. While we undress in front of each other, Jungkook would always go to the bathroom and change. But one day, I walked in on him and from then on, we became closer. It was a touching moment, to be honest. He got all embarrassed and tried to hide his body but I said it was ok, and that we'll have to get used to this. He's been talking to me more now. He depends on me more than the rest. Maybe because I'm the closest to his age. Poor Jungkook, not being able to have fun like the rest of the 14- year olds.

"What do you want to do now?" I ask while pushing open the door out of the practice room.

"It's spring break, so I'll study," he flips his hair out of his eyes. "I've been getting behind in math."

"Oh," I nod. "Then can you go tell the others that I'll be out for a while?"

"Sure hyung," he throws me an innocent smile. "Are you going to see y/n noona?"

"Kookie!" I shush him. "Don't say her name out loud!"

He giggles, "Sorry. I wanna go see her too."

I lightly smack the back of his head, "Find some other noona. She's going to be mine."

He pouts, "But I like this noona. She likes lamb skewers just like me."

I stick out my tongue, "Too bad, you have IU noona."

Before he can protest, I wave goodbye and run out. And run into someone.

"Oof!" he stumbles back. "What's the rush, Taehyung?"

"I-" the words won't come out. Think Taehyung. Think. "I'm just going to get something to eat. I really like street food, so."

"Really?" Jimin smiles. "I was just going to head out too. Wanna eat together? We can go our ways after."

Together? Oh well, I guess I'll have to eat and then go.

"Sure," I return him a stiff smile, which he doesn't seem to notice.

Ugh. I wanted to see Yoongi hyung as soon as possible though. And y/n. It's been almost a month and a half since I went over. Plus, y/n hasn't been texting either so I don't know what's going on.

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