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Yoongi's POV

The entrance door closes with a bang and it echoes throughout the apartment.

I try to think of all the reasons why y/n would've called him. Maybe they're making up? Wait, but that's so sudden, why would she go see him after a year?

"I wonder what's happening," Taehyung breaks the long silence.

"Jimin hyung looked really happy," Jungkook informs. "I haven't seen him smile that big in a while."

What could she have called him for?

My head starts to throb from thinking too much, "Taehyung, get me a drink from the fridge."

He moves on the couch, "A drink?" he asks. "Like, a drink drink?"

I nod, "Yeah, get me a beer."

The couch rises as he stands, "Alright then. Just one can."

I wave my hand and the couch completely rises at the other end, figuring Jungkook stood up also.

"Can I try some?" he asks, following him into the kitchen. "I never tried a beer before."

"Are you kidding me idia?" Taehyung yells. "You're just a baby. It's illegal."

"No," he denies. "I may be a baby in your eyes but in reality, am not."

I let out an annoyed sigh, listening to them flirt. I bet they already did some illegal shit together. Oh wait, never mind. They're both minors.

"Here," Taehyung places the cold beer in my hand.

I open the can which releases a satisfying crack. I gulp down, "Kyah~" When stressed, beer is the best.

"Ah hyung," Jungkook nags him. "Just one can for me too, please?"

"Nuh uh," Taehyung tells him after he drinks something. "Go grab yourself a banana milk in the fridge. Or have juice like me."

I cross a leg over another, my mind still stuck on y/n.

"Hyung, are you ok?" Taehyung nudges my hand. "You're going to spill it if you keep squeezing your can like that."

I release my grip slightly and breathe out. Calm down. She's probably just chatting with him. Nothing else. Just having a nice conversation. She'll come back soon.

"Hyung, I'll give you a surprise if you let me," Jungkook says in a sly voice.

"S-surprise?" Taehyung almost chokes on his drink. "What kind of surprise?"

"If I tell you, it wouldn't be a surprise, will it?"

It's probably some kin-

"Right now?" Taehyung asks excitedly.

"At home," Jungkook replies.

"O-ok," he stutters as he stands up. I hear him open the fridge door. "Just one can though, ok Kookie?"

"Ok," he answers happily. The can opens and I hear him gulp down. Fast.

"Wow wow," Taehyung chuckles. "Slow down, no one's going to take it away from you."

"Wah~" Jungkook exhales. "This stuff is good. Not good as banana milk but still good."

"Mm, is it?" Taehyung cooes. "Is it that good, Jungkookie~"

I shake my head and take a big swig. This is going to be a long night. "You guys should just date."

"D-date?" Jungkook coughs. "But I like noonas. I like y/n noona." I cock an eyebrow then hear a slap. "Ow!" Jungkook whimpers cutely.

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