18.First Step

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Your POV

"Ok, since I bought you lamb skewers, you have to do me a favor."

He laughs, shaking his head. He doesn't  seem tense when I hold onto his arm.

It was a bit awkward getting out of his house since he was used to walking his dog, not a person linking arms with him. He had kept mumbling about how he didn't want to go as we walked but when I mentioned lamb skewers, his whole face lit up, showing his gummy smile.

"Well," I grin. "Come with me first." I tug on  his arm and head towards the familiar street.

"W-wait," he stops in his tracks abruptly, making me stop also. "Do you still have to hold onto my arm?" He shakes  his bangs out of his eyes and "looks" down at my hands.

"Why? Do you want me to hold your hand instead?" I slide my hand down to his hand and intertwine our fingers.

"N-never mind. Let's just go so I can sleep soon."

I roll my eyes as I grab his arm and start walking to the building. There aren't  many people on this street, just a few students who are  tirelessly waiting at a bus stop and an old man wobbling on his cane.

Our steady footsteps echo, my eyes lowering down to our feet. In the beginning, he had trouble keeping up with me. Maybe because he didn't trust me at first, so he had taken slow, small steps.

"How much longer?" he mumbles,breathing out heavily. I glance at him but he doesn't  seem tired or anything. What was he sighing about?

"Oh my goodness, we haven't even walked for 5 minutes," I say, as we come closer to the building.

"Ugh, I'm so tired," he yawns. That was cute.

"Ok, we're here," I push the glass door open and he steps in behind me. Nobody is  here, except a lady, who I assume is the teacher who's in the back room. The big clock that hangs across the room informs me that it's 6:00 pm.

"We're at the piano academy, aren't we?"

I look at him in surprise as he wiggles his arm out of mine and silently heads towards the piano, the piano where I first saw him.

"How did you know?" I follow him and sut down beside him on the bench. What is he, a ghost? I eye him anxiously.

He leans back comfortably on his hands, "The smell. I smell the old piano books. And just the feeling."

My eyebrows furrow, "Smell? The feeling? That's pretty impressive."

He cocks his head to the side, "I came here almost every day, so I know." I watch him brush his bangs off his forehead. He really looks like he should be here, sitting at the piano. No one would think he's a cold guy, who's blind and swears a lot. His fluffy black hair matches the colour of the piano as well. He looks princely. A soft, kind-hearted guy.

"So," his voice cracks, and he clears  his throat. "Why did you bring me here?"

"Oh, right," I laugh nervously, playing with the loose pieces of my hair. "I was wondering-because you know-you play the piano, right?" He turns his head slightly towards me and nods. "And I've always wanted to learn how to play the piano, you know?" He nods. "So yeah, could you, um, teach me to play?"

He freezes in his seat, then sits up straighter, "Teach you to play the piano?" His face is blank. I can't  figure out how he was feeling about this.

"Yeah," I answer hesitantly.

"That's your favor?" he asks.

"Um, yeah," I sit up straighter too. He'll say yes, right? Of course he will. No, of course he should. I freakin' bought his lamb skewers.

"And if I don't?"

Well, I wasn't expecting this. The corner of his lips  turn up into a smirk, which makes  him look more attractive. And bad boy.

"Then I'll leave you," I only say this to see his reaction. Ha, he'll beg me to stay 'cause I bout him lamb-

"Pfft, ok then," he laughs. "I'll be so happy without an annoying pervert around me."

"What?!" I stand  up. Me? PERVERT?! "Excuse me, if you answered me properly and nicely, I wouldn't have pulled off the cover! You were so rude!"

"Hm," he cracks a smile, making me go mad. "And it's not rude to just barge into someone's room? Maybe you did that on purpose?"

This dude-

"I freakin' knocked and you didn't answer!" I throw my hands up in the air. "And you-"

"Aish!" He suddenly covers his right eye with his hands. "Ah, shit."

I quickly sit down, worried, "OMG, are you ok? What happened? Here," I gently take his hands and blow on his closed eye. He sits still in his spot and his lids open.

My breath gets caught in my throat as his eyes look straight into mine. His dark brown irises are  uniquely painted, his lashes framing his eyes in a way that made him look charming. Can he see me?

"You fucking spat on my eyelid, pervert."

Huh? His eyes look past me. Oh, he can't see. Dumb y/n, did you really think that?

"Wah, this pervert," he bitterly breathes out. "Do you like my legs so much?"


I looks down at his legs to see the most horrifying thing. Both of my hands, left and right, are  resting on his right thigh. I must've laid my hands there while examining his eye. Sheez nits-

"Oh, sorry!" I wrap my hands around my arms. "I didn't notice."

"I'll do it," He faces the keys.

I look at him and at the piano in confusion, "Do what?"

His rubs his nose with his long forefinger, which looks  oddly attractive to me, "Your favor. I'll teach you how to play the piano."

"OMG!!!" I throw my arms around him, hugging him with all my might. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You don't know how much this means to me!" I move back and beam at him, "I've always wanted to play the piano."

He cooly nods and pulls my hands off his shoulders, "Well, let's start the basics first, then I can go home and sleep, deal?"

"Deal," I say happily. "Where do we begin?"

He turns his body towards me, "The sitting position. Sit up straight. Your feet should be flat on the ground. Have your knees and legs just under the piano, and half of your bum should be on the bench." He places his hand on the small of my back, but then briskly draws it back. He licks his lips, "So, um, yeah. Sit up straight first."

I watch his cheeks turn pink. Is he flustered?

"Ok, next step," I wait patiently.

He rubs his nose again before continuing on, "Next, your hands should be curved like you're holding a ball."

"A b-ball?" Like a dic-

"Not a dick, you pervert. A ball. Like a baseball. How would you play the piano with your hands like that?" He shakes his head disapprovingly, "I knew you were always perverted."

A/n: Omg you guys!!! I hit over 100 reads ^*^Thank you so much, this wouldn't have happened without you~

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Have a good day/night :D



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