Played by Fate?

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Loving someone like you is hard to do. 

 I have to take a large bun of consequences and grab a stern deal of legacy; it’s either living alone in my own world or being on shame in front of people.

I have to face lots of rivals and be a slave of your iniquitous rules.

It’s but like you were floating and I was falling apart.

We have these for months, but the truth has found its way to escape our world of bizarre.

We really can’t conceal that our hearts could be tired of the happenings.

Even the love has its hardest barricade, and even it’s locked forever, it could be changed.

You just have to choose, if you’re moving on or you’re forgetting and escaping everything you’ve been through.

If you move on, you’ll still be hassled of your past, or you’ll be imprisoned in the skeletons of your broken heart.

If you forget, you’ll be entering the world of nothingness.

It may be the only thing that makes sense but at the same time, it’s the only thing that complicates us.

Perchance, I would have been better off without you, yet emptiness comes whenever I try to let go.

It is but like this: Is emptiness better than pain?

And by the time comes….

 you may realize that even things are so ideal, they could be disturbed just like the inconsistency of the equilibrium.

You will just come up to a decision of no options… 

 but to give up.


Played by Fate?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon