Foxies Past (when he's 5-10 years old)

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Foxies P.O.V. 5 years old

I'm in my room playing with my toy cars that my grandpa gave me for christmas before he past. While I'm playing, out of no where, I hear my parents yelling at each other. This has been going on for about two months now and I'm worried about them.
I stand up and peek through my door and see my parents. I quickly close my door before they see me 'cause sometimes they put their anger on me.

I look down at my arms and they still have small bruses on them. It doesn't long for them to go away.

7 years old

My parents are still yelling at each other and still putting their anger on me. The more I get older, the worse it gets. Now I have cuts on my face and bigger bruses on my arms and now my legs. Sometimes I think that we're not a family anymore and they'll get a divorce.

I sit on my bed in my room and I hear the front door slam. Then my mom walks into my room with small tears in her eyes. She sits at the end of my bed and I hold my legs to my chest. She looks up at my and she sees the bandaid on my face.

"I'm sorry Foxy. I'm so sorry." She says as she starts to sob. I don't know if I should forgive her or not. I mean, she hurt me and so did dad.

10 years old

Right now, dad is out of the house while my mom figues out the papers for their divorce. I've been hearing my parents arguing of who is gonna keep me and I don't want to be with either of them 'cause of what they did to me.

Then my aunt Vixa comes to my mind. She has cared for me a lot and knows whats going on with my parents. Then, an idea comes to mind.
I walk out if my room and walk toward my mom. "Mom?" I say once I'm standing a good 4 feet from her.
"Yes Foxy?" She says and put the pen down.

"I've been hearing you and dad arguing about who is gonna keep me and I thought of who I'm going to be with. And I thought of being with aunt Vixa." I say and my moms face goes white a bit.

"And why is that Foxy?" She asks leaning back in her chair.

"I don't want you or dad to hurt me anymore than you already have. I want to live a normal childhood." I say and my mom sighs. I also see tears forming in her eyes.

"Your already becoming a man Foxy. If thats what you want, than you can live with aunt Vixa." My mom says and a sigh of relief comes out of me. I then turn around and go back to my room while my mom finishes the paper work on the table.

Present Foxy- 17 years old

I have live with my aunt Vixa for the passed 7 years now and we have not gotten any word from my parents. I'm actually glad that I don't have to worry about them and hear them yell. But everyday when I wake up and look in the mirrior, I still see the scars on the face where my parents cute me.

I haven't told anyone, not even my cloest friends. I don't know how to tell them. So for now, I keep it as a secret.

Hey guys, Aliaoxy here 😀. I know that a lot of you guys have wanting another Foxy x Mangle book. So the wait is over. Here is 'Foxy x Mangle: High School.' I hope you guys will enjoy this book just as much as the Foxy x Mangle series that I wrote. Enjoy!!


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