Chapter 4: James

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"Have you always lived on this island? Where are you originally from? Have you ever seen another human before? Are there any other people here? Is Flicker the only fey in this world or are there more?""

Halting in the middle of the path, I turn back and glare at Peter. He is still chattering on, so he almost runs on top of me before he notices that I've stopped. Being short makes it relatively easy for others to walk over me, but I still do not appreciate it.

"Oops, sorry," he apologizes.

"Look," I answer in a low, controlled tone, "we, actually I, am trying to set off on a rescue mission to my least favorite world. I am still making plans in my head, so silence is essential. Do you think you can possibly reach way down into your soul, even though I know it has to be extremely difficult for you, and just for a few seconds please...shut up?!"


I groan and look up at the sky. "Okay, let's try this instead. You keep thinking of all the stupid questions you possibly can, but do it silently."


"Silently," I snap.

Peter claps a hand over his mouth and nods, but his bright green eyes sparkle mischievously. 

"That's better." I pull out a long strip of fabric and motion for Peter to get on his knees.

"Why?" he asks uneasily.

"What did we say about silence?" I sigh. "Just do it."

Slowly, Peter sinks to his knees and lets me place a blindfold over his eyes.

"What is this for?

"I'm getting ready to take you somewhere in Neverland that is not safe for you to know about. This is for your own good."

Taking his hand, I lead Peter carefully through the jungle on secret hidden paths. When we reach as far as is safely possible to walk, I lift into the air without warning. Immediately, he lets out a half-shriek half-scream of shock and clings to my hand.

"I can feel your smug face laughing at me," he yells.

He's not wrong. I am definitely laughing at him internally and externally. It's much easier to fly with him this way than having to use magic to carry his unconscious body. I guide him through the air to the very heart of Neverland - a small floating section covered with soft lavender grass, silvery blossoming trees and richly scented flowers. In the center of the levitating island is a glistening waterfall that spills down into the roots of a massive elvengold tree. The tree roots extend out in a large circle forming a pool where the water falls. I land next to the waterfall and dip my hand into the running water. The water is the essence of Neverland's magic. It shimmers and glows with golden tints as it streams through my fingers. I slip my hand into the cool water and drink some of the liquid light. The taste of eternity fills my mouth.

"Where are we?" Peter asks.

"Don't worry about it," I answer.

"Are you drinking something?"

Peter drops my hand and tries to take off the blindfold. Instantly, I yank the long knife out of his belt and slap his hands away with the flat of the blade.

"Peter, don't make me seriously hurt you," I threaten him. "I still don't know who you are, so until I have finished judging your character, you will abide by my rules."

Dropping his hands, Peter glares at me. Actually, he is glaring more at my left shoulder since he can't see where my face is.

"Life would be so much easier if you would just trust me," he complains.

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