Chapter 43: Oblivion

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Finally, we break apart. My lips tingle, and the power seems to have left my legs. I lean against James. He doesn't seem to mind being my support. My hands rest on his chiseled chest which is heaving breathlessly under my touch.

"Did that answer your question about whether I would miss you?" I ask with my most innocent expression.

"I don't know." James leans his face in to me. "You said that I actively work at being an idiot. Maybe I need some more clarification."

"Excuse me!"

I turn around to the pool and see Merlin with his hands up. A stream of magic emanates from his palms into the diminishing vortex. Flicker is still lying on the grass next to him although she has regained consciousness. She cocks her head at me, and I can feel a blush creeping up my neck.

"Are you two finished snogging?" Merlin yells. "Can I get you anything? Some mints? A room?"

"How about a cup of tea?" James raises an eyebrow at me. "Since he apparently knows your favorite."

"Jealous?" I grin up in his face. "Don't worry. I'll let you fetch my tea from now on. You can be my official tea carrier. I take jasmine with a spoonful of honey. No cream."

"I'll bring your tea anytime if I get paid like that." James looks down at my lips significantly.

"Do you two mind giving me a hand here?" Merlin calls out again. "Something seems to be happening in there."

I look back at the portal just in time to see a dark strand burst out of the vortex and seize Merlin. The wizard is knocked down, and the darkness pins him to the ground. I start forward to help him when two more shadowy ropes leap forth. James yanks out his sword, but one of the lines wraps around his wrist forcing him to drop his blade. I grab his hand and try to pry the restraint off. My fingers cannot penetrate the strand. I reach for my magic and raise my palm.

Suddenly, a cold chill runs through my body. A thin black strand has wound around my waist. Tendrils of ice creep up through my veins into my chest. I can't feel my spirit spark or anything else. Wintry waves of pain rush through me. The evil magic yanks me backwards towards the swirling vortex. The power pulls me off my feet. I am floating in the air. Only James's grip on my hand keeps me from being swept away. Despite the shadowy cord around his wrist, he hangs on to me. More black strands emerge from the portal. They coil around my arms and legs, freezing my limbs. The only warmth comes from James's palm. His jaw is tight as he struggles against the biting cold. A piercing wind sweeps between us. In the roaring gale, I can hear a rippling laugh that sounds familiar.

"It must be some kind of dark magic that left Wind's body when she was transported to the past," Flicker shouts, struggling to regain her feet.

James stumbles forwards a few steps but refuses to release his hold on me. Another strand shoots forth and seizes his other arm. He grits his teeth against the strain. The black shadow around his wrist begins constricting. Drops of blood run down his forearm.

"Flicker!" I scream. "Get to the water! Use the fount's light to try to stop this! It's going to kill him."

The fey has finally managed to stand upright. Her eyes brighten at my suggestion, and she nods eagerly.

"I'm coming!" she calls.

"You have to let me go!" I yell at James.

"Don't you dare!" James roars back. His arms are stretched to their full length in opposite directions. The muscles in his forearms and shoulders fighting to hang on.

"Let go!"

The drops of blood carve scarlet rivulets down his arm. The dark magic cuts deeper into his skin. His chest is heaving, and he gasps for breath. The whirlwind shrieks around us, carrying the iron scent of his blood. James's usually bronzed face is pale and drawn in pain. He is nearing the end of his strength.

"I'll never forget you." The tempest whips my voice away until it sounds like the faintest whisper as I release his hand.

"No!" With a surge of energy, James leaps forwards. "I'm not letting you slip away from me. I'm with you to beyond the end."

His callused, rough hand clutches my slender fingers for a moment before the dark strand slices through his wrist. The limp hand falls onto the scarlet-stained earth below. With a cry of agony, James reels backwards and collapses. Blood streams from his handless arm. The wind forces my scream back in my throat as the icy restraints suspend my body in the air. I can't move or think or breathe. Everything around me seems to come to a halt while I stare at the crumpled form lying in a crimson pool below me.


I have just enough time to call out his name once before I am carried backwards into the churning portal. Instantly, my head begins to whirl. I have to remember. I can't forget. My lungs burn as I struggle to stay awake. A cacophony of memories flash before my eyes. Sparkling dust settling over dark curly hair. A silver snake biting into my arm. Tobacco smoke lingering in the salty breeze. The tangy taste of lunaloria juice. Jeers from a roaring crowd outside a metal cage. Two eyes colored with the depths of the sea set in a night sky. The memories blur together more and more rapidly while I am drawn farther through time. My thoughts crash against the sides of my mind until I finally sink into oblivion. 

Greetings mates,

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading Flying. I do hope that you have enjoyed this journey with Jimmy, Hook, Peter, Wind, Flicker, Merlin and more. I am in the process of editing but hope to begin the sequel soon.

Fun Fact:

If you were with Hook, here are some steps to take to ease his suffering. Wash your hands if possible. Elevate the injured arm. Apply steady, direct pressure to the wound. If the blood soaks through, add another bandage but do not remove the first one. Use a torniquet or compression bandage only if the bleeding will not stop with direct pressure. Rinse the amputated part with clean water and store in a clean, plastic bag packed with ice. Continue to have Hook lay flat with his feet raised about 12 inches. Cover him with his pretentious scarlet coat.

Well, I know that might not be the ending that we were hoping for but I hope that the two will make their way back to each other. What do you think? Please join me for the sequel book Floating, which will be available on my profile next week!

Farewell until then,

Commodore Caroline

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