Chapter 22: Rings of Smoke

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Thumping my pillow, I roll over and throw off the blankets. It doesn't look like I'll be getting any sleep again. Silently, I slip out of the room without waking Flicker. She is still sleeping peacefully on the other side of the bed as I close the door. The lookouts nod respectfully when I walk past on the deck towards the crow's nest. Grabbing a rope ladder, I begin climbing upwards. I could fly to the top, but the exercise will help clear my mind. My shoulders and legs start aching when I'm halfway to the top, but I keep my eyes on my destination and push through the pain.

"Finally, some peace and quiet," I sigh as I crawl over the edge of the crow's nest.

Suddenly, a hand fastens around my ankle. I start to fall backwards in surprise, but the steel grip pulls me into the small space. Falling forward, I crash into a firm object.

"Easy there, Stormy."

I look up into Hook's calm face. He is sitting in the bottom of the crow's nest with his pipe beside him. Heat starts to rise through me as I realize that I tumbled directly onto his chest.

"Sorry," I mumble an apology. "I wasn't trying to...I'm not...I didn't mean to intrude on you."

"You're no intrusion." Hook picks up his pipe. "I'll move out of your way."

"It's fine." Shifting away from Hook, I crane my head up and look at the sky to resettle myself. My resolve to be stiffly proper around him is swiftly evaporating. The chilly night air cuts through my thin shirt. I shiver slightly and wrap my arms around my body.


Unfastening the gold pin at his throat, Hook drapes his cloak around my shoulders. His weathered hands rest on my arms momentarily before he draws back. I nod gratefully and pull the heavy wool mantle tighter around my body. Hook fidgets with his pipe uncomfortably.

"If you're not going to use that, can I?" I ask, cheekily poking him in the ribs with my finger.

"Stormy," Hook scoffs, "you're far too young to smoke."

Snatching the pipe from him, I inhale and blow out a large ring. Quickly, I snap my finger above the smoky shape. The top of the circle curves down to form a heart. I puff out three more smoke rings around the heart before handing the pipe back to Hook.

"One of the advantages of drinking liquid light is that smoking doesn't affect me." I smile smugly up at him. "And I'm probably just as old or older than you if Merlin's legend about me is true."

"Well, you do look like an ancient crone." Hook grins. 

Making a face, I smack at his head. Swiftly, his hand shoots out and wraps around my wrist. I try to tug free, but he latches on to my arm with an iron grip. His eyes glint mischievously, and I can see his usual cocky personality emerge for a second. Looking down, I run my fingers lightly over his sinewy hand. Hook looks in my eyes for a second before drawing back.

"Why did you decide to come up here?" he asks, turning away.

"It's too crowded down there." I jerk my head towards the deck. "I'm not used to having so many people around."

"Should I leave then?"

"You can stay." I shrug and flick an invisible piece of dust off my shoulder. "I've gotten used to ignoring clinging little barnacles."

"Little?" Hook rises to his feet, towering above me.

"Yes, little." Standing, I rise into the air until I am slightly higher than Hook. I smirk down at him, but he doesn't return my smile. 

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