Chapter 28: Hand in Hand

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The sun is just starting to descend when Hook and I land on the ground. I have flown us next to the largest lagoon in Neverland's jungle. The still water looks inviting, but I resist the urge to dive into the pool.

"Are you sure this will work?" Hook asks, scanning the surrounding foliage warily.

"Of course," I answer confidently. "It always works with the animals that fall through portals."

"The animals?" Hook glances at me sideways. "The non-sentient animals have been your test subjects?"

"Well, it's not just them. Sometimes, other creatures or people stumble upon the portals or Flicker will send them as a test for me."

"Sometimes?" Hook raises his eyebrows.

"Yes, sometimes. Occasionally. Rarely," I admit. "But it works on them too. Besides, Peter and Wind and the rest of those idiots are hardly sentient."

"Am I included in the rest of those idiots?"

Hook and I whirl around. Merlin is standing behind us with a glowing strand of magic twisting around his arm.

"What are you doing here?" I demand.

"Jimmy, I don't want to hurt you." Merlin steps forwards, lifting his hands to show he means no harm. "I'm sorry for what happened yesterday. It escalated far beyond what I intended. I'm trying to keep my vow to protect you in the best way I know."

"You didn't promise to protect me," I scoff. "You and your precious Order just want control over Neverland's infinite supply of magic."

"It may appear that way to you, but I swear that's not the truth." Merlin ventures nearer to me. "I really do care about you, Jimmy. I'm sorry."

"And that immediately fixes everything." I clap my hands together facetiously with a large, fake smile. "I feel so much better now. I've completely forgotten how you lied to me for years, tried to manipulate me so you could steal Neverland's magic, and attempted to kidnap me yesterday. Oh, and it doesn't bother me at all that you are the reason Peter showed up here in the first place and started this attack on my island. Your complete betrayal of my trust has been absolutely washed out of my mind by your apology."

"I didn't mean..."

"My heart is totally open and free," I interrupt sarcastically. "I feel at peace with all mankind."

"Jimmy," Merlin places a hand on my arm, "you have to hear me out."

Instantly, I pull my arm away. The smile slides off my face, and I stare with cold, hard eyes at my former friend.

"I don't have to do anything. I owe you nothing."

"Jimmy. Please."

Merlin extends his hand to me. His face pleads with me silently. I look down at his hand and then slowly raise my gaze. Merlin's shoulders slump as he meets my eyes. My disdainful glare needs no words.

"I don't know how to make this right." Merlin lowers his hand. "How can I make amends?"

"You can't," I cut him off brusquely, "so just leave."

"Jimmy," Hook moves forward next to me, "perhaps you should give him a chance. We're going to need help against my brother and Wind."

"I would rather fight alone than with someone I can't trust."

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