Chapter 6: Fade to Black

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I have completely lost track of time. The utter darkness makes it impossible for me to tell whether it is day or night. There is also a foot of water in the bottom of the hold which is just one of the many terrible amenities this place offers. I count the list on my fingers: no food, no light, no way to track time, and no way to lie down and sleep. I've dozed off by sitting against the wall, but every time I get close to falling asleep, nightmares wake me up. 

I've tried using my magic multiple times, but I can't make anything happen. I can't break the enchantment on this stupid snake that Hook put on my arm. The metal fangs are sunk deep into my skin. Fortunately, I have a high threshold for pain, but I can feel the magic being drawn from me into the stupid reptile. Hopefully, I'll find Flicker, and she'll be able to get it off. 

But first, I've got to find a way out of here. Heaving a sigh, I lean back and weigh my options, which are basically none.

"I'm going to kill him when I get out of this place," I grind out between clenched teeth.

There is a sudden burst of light as the cover of the hold is lifted and thrown to the side. Either Hook has amazing hearing or this is a sign that I'm meant to murder him. I'm pretty sure it's the latter.

"Come on, girly. We know you can still fly, so get yourself up here or stay down there and rot. Your choice," a gruff voice shouts down.

Well, it appears chivalry is dead. It's dead and rotting and in an advanced state of rigor mortis among these pirates. I fly to the top of hold. My muscles tremble as I drag myself out. Dizzily, I collapse onto the rough wood. The effort of flying has taken the rest of my strength, and I can't pull myself up. I definitely need another plan to take down Hook. My original idea of just charging at him and punching his head off seems to be currently failing. Gnarly hands seize my arms and drag me through the blinding light into the captain's cabin where I, once again, collapse on the floor.

"Well, have three days in the brig without food brought you to a more agreeable frame of mind?"

Squinting, I wait for my eyes to readjust to the light streaming through an open window at the far side of the cabin. A tall pair of black, leather boots stand in front of me.

"Hook," I groan hoarsely.

"Hungry, my dear? I have a delicious roasted quail on the table."

"I'm fine. I don't want your food," I snap.

"How about a glass of water? A cool, tall glass of water." Leaning over, Hook whispers in my ear. "All you have to do is tell me where my brother is hiding. Or you can die from dehydration."

"If I die, then you'll never know," I retort.

Grabbing my arms, Hook lifts me off the ground and shoves me against the wall. His piercing eyes glare into my determined gaze. He slams me against the wall once more before releasing me with a frustrated growl. Exhausted, I nearly topple to the ground, but save myself by grabbing the arm of a nearby chair. I slump into the seat and lick my dry, cracked lips.


Surprised, I catch the small skin of water and loaf of bread that Hook tosses to me. Greedily, I drink the entire thing, tipping it back to get every drop. The liquid revives my dry throat, and the cloudiness begins clearing from my mind as I devour the bread.

"All right, let's get going."

"Going where?" I ask.

Pulling out a long rope, Hook starts towards me. "Since you won't lead me to my brother, you can accompany us as we search every inch of this island." Hook finishes binding my wrists with a tight knot. "Things would have been much easier if you would have just followed my plan."

"Sorry, but I just came up with a much better one," I return.

Clenching my fists, I slam my bound hands into Hook's face. Before he can recover, I spring across the cabin and leap out the open window. I begin flying towards the shore, but something unexpectedly tugs me down. I glance back to see what is pulling me. Hook has jumped after me and is dangling from the rope. My imprisonment has weakened me, and I no longer have the strength to keep flying with the additional weight. 

With a giant splash, I land in the ocean. The long rope is tangled up in my arms and legs, keeping me from swimming. I probably should have waited and come up with a better plan. Frantically, I kick out, but I can't free myself. My lungs burn, desperate for oxygen. My heart is thudding against my ribs like a bird in a cage. Sinking down into the salty water, I fight to stay awake. Darkness begins surrounding me, creeping into my vision and chilling my body. I see a flash of scarlet, and a steely grip latches onto my wrist before everything fades to black.

Salutations to my dear fellow pirates, mermaids, feys, etc. 

First, I'm pretty sure the title of this chapter is a song. If it isn't, it definitely should be. One of you should get on that right away. I feel like it should be a screamo song or hard rock or something. Maybe in the style of Breaking Benjamin #throwbackthursday. Also, thanks for reading along with Flying. Let me know what you think in the comments or give it a like or a follow if you're enjoying the story. 

Fun Fact:

You can swim with your hands and feet tied together. Please do not try this without a professional with you. However, if you ever find yourself in a situation like Jimmy's, you can do the dolphin kick to swim while bound. Move your full body in waves like a dolphin! You can watch lots of YouTube videos to learn the swimming technique.

Feeling like jumping in a pool now,

Commodore Caroline

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