Chapter 29: Negotiation

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I lead Peter on the fastest path out of the jungle. His hand stays firmly in mine as we run to the Northern foothills. My steps slow involuntarily as we draw nearer to his encampment, and I start to reach for the swords dangling from my back. Peter looks back reassuringly.

"Don't worry. You're almost to safety now."

"Yes, I feel so much safer now that I'm nearing the girl who tried to slit my throat," I reply drily.

"Yeah, sorry about that." Peter shrugs awkwardly. "Wind can be a bit impulsive when she's desperate."

"If impulsive meant murderous, then I would totally agree with you," I mumble under my breath.

"I apologize for her recklessness. She's been waiting for quite some time, and her patience is beginning to run thin."

"She's been waiting for what?" I ask.

"I'll let her explain."

Walking to the center of the encampment, Peter knocks on the door of Wind's shelter. Carefully, I station myself with quick escape routes on both sides and a large boulder at my back. I can't see the boys, but I can feel their eyes on me from the surrounding trees as Wind emerges from her dwelling. Her eyes scan me over condescendingly.

"So." Wind crosses her arms over her chest. "You brought her."

"Actually, I chose to come." Placing my hands on my hips, I thrust my chin out. "I was told that perhaps we could enter into a mutually beneficial deal. Is that true or not?"

"Possibly. It depends on you."

"What she means is that we need something from you before we can give you what you want," Peter explains.

"And what exactly do you think I want?"

"You want to be left alone in your kingdom," Peter answers. "You wish for things to be as they were. Before my arrival. Before our fight. Before Merlin."

"Before James Hook," Wind adds with a significant glance in my direction.

Wind wants to provoke a reaction from me. I hold steady eye contact with her until she shrugs and looks away. Keeping a bored expression on my face, I lean back against the boulder.

"So what exactly do the two of you want?" I ask.

"All we want is for you to take us to the fountain."

Tossing my hair back, I laugh. The sound echoes through the foothills, and Peter glances around anxiously.

"That's all you want?" I snort. "Why didn't you just ask for the entire island? Or Flicker? Or maybe you'd like for me to give you the moon?"

"I know it's a lot to ask for."

"No, it's not a lot," I cut Peter off. "After all you've done to me, that is not a lot. Plucking you an acorn is a lot. Giving you a thimble is a lot. Leading you to the heart of all magic is unthinkable."

"Then start thinking about it," Wind orders imperiously.

"Why on Earth or any other planets would I even consider doing that for you?"

"Because that's how you get rid of us." Peter holds up his hands. "Just hear me out. You don't want us here. That is evident."

"Really? I thought I was hiding it so well," I mutter.

"We just want to get back to where we belong. Help us get there, and you'll never have to see us again."

"And how do I know that you're not trying to go back just to kill me or prevent my birth or something?"

"That would be impossible," Wind says, smoothing her skirt.

I wait for her to elaborate, but she continues to adjust her clothing. She's worse than a bloody mermaid with her endless preening. I know she wants me to ask what she means so she can treat me like an idiot for not understanding. So naturally, I refuse to say anything. I can wait forever. Literally.

"We can't kill you if we go back," Peter breaks the icy silence. "We have no idea when or where you are from. I don't even know if you're actually from Earth. It would be impossible to find you in all the people in all the times of all the worlds."

"Then, why do both of you want to go back?" I question.

"That's our own business," Peter snaps before catching himself. Taking a deep breath, he forces a smile. "So, what do you say? Shall we help each other?"

Cocking my head to the side, I narrow my eyes and consider Peter's proposal. He is acting straightforward and sincere but trusting him is out of the question. I feel sure he has some angle or plan that he is not telling me.

"I know you can't trust me yet." Peter reads the doubt in my eyes. "But give me a chance to explain everything."

I hesitate for a second before nodding. "One night. You can have tonight to convince me."

"Why not now?" Wind asks languidly.

"Because we need to move immediately." I glance over my shoulder at the jungle. "Hook knows we're here, and I'm sure he'll be arriving at any moment with Merlin."

Instantly, Peter jumps forward and crows loudly, alerting his boys. They tumble out of the surrounding trees and begin packing quickly.

"Why didn't you mention that earlier?" Wind demands.

I shrug nonchalantly. "I thought it might be good to have backup on the way in case you decided to attack me again."

"So where do we go?" Peter turns to me. "Where can we be safe from Merlin?"

"He's familiar with almost every place on Neverland, and Hook knows the rest of them. Except..." I hesitate.


"The Forbidden Cove."

Ahoy mates,

Thank you all for continuing to ship out with Jimmy. I can't begin to express what your support means to me. I'm pleased to announce that Flying also won the Fantasy Award in the Royalty Book Awards held by cutecottoncandyyy. Many thanks for the host and judge's work!

Fun Fact:

In the original story of Peter Pan, Wendy offers to give Peter a kiss. When she realizes that he has no idea what a kiss is, she gives him a thimble. In return, he gives her an acorn, which she hangs around her neck. On the way to Neverland, Peter and Wendy are separated. She is led by the jealous Tinkerbell, who dives down and tells the Lost Boys to shoot Wendy. Tootles ends up hitting Wendy. Fortunately, his arrow strikes the acorn, and Wendy lives! 

Well, that's fortunate for Wendy and unfortunate for Jimmy!


Commodore Caroline

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