Chapter 39: Dark Shadow

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My body tenses tightly, every muscle prepared for action. Icy adrenaline flows through my veins like I am a predator ready to attack. Slowly, my hands start to reach for my swords.

"Do you have a death wish for him?"

Peter pulls the knife tighter against his brother's neck. A small trickle of blood starts to stream down Hook's throat. Immediately, I lower my hands away from my sword hilts.

"That's better." Peter smiles at me condescendingly. "You do what I say and your lover lives."

"He's not my lover," I retort.

"Then you don't mind if I do this."

With a quick motion, Peter stabs Hook in the shoulder. Instinctively, I leap forward with a cry. My heart pounds in my temples.

"No, Jimmy. Stay back!" Hook yells at me.

Ripping the knife out of his brother's shoulder, Peter slides the blade underneath his chin. Hook clenches his teeth as blood streams down his arm.

"So it seems you do care, darling." Peter sneers at me.

"Don't call her that," Hook growls.

"Shut up!" Peter orders, tilting Hook's head up with the knife.

"Peter, you don't want to do this." Merlin steps forward with his hands raised slightly to show he means no harm. "Killing your brother gains you nothing."

"Nothing except vengeance for my mother."

"What vengeance?" Merlin ventures forward a few more steps. "You don't even know what happened. You don't know if the situation even merits vengeance."

"Not yet. But I will soon." Peter tightens his grip on his brother's hair. "Use one hand to drop your weapons."

Hook grimaces with the pain of his wound as he slowly moves. His eyes never leave mine as he unbuckles his belt and lowers his sword and knives to the ground. His steady expression does nothing to calm my erratic pulse. Magic gathers at my fingertips, ready to be released. I can barely control my protective impulses, but I know that releasing a burst of energy could injure Hook as well. His gaze pleads silently with me. I lock my arms rigidly to prevent myself from exploding.

"Now, throw that stupid snake bracelet you were going to put on me to Merlin," Peter commands.

Hook tosses the silver cuff to Merlin, who catches it. The wizard raises his eyebrows at Peter.

"Now what?"

"Put it on," Peter orders.

Merlin hesitates for a moment, but Peter yanks back on Hook's hair, stretching his neck farther back. Fastening the bracelet on his forearm, Merlin holds up his hands again.

"And now you."

I tear my eyes away from Hook and look at Peter. He releases Hook's hair and reaches into his pocket. Taking out the timepiece, he flings the battered pocket watch at me. I barely catch it by the tarnished chain.

"I didn't need to know the time, but thanks," I mutter, trying to shield myself with my usual sarcasm.

"Oh sweetheart, this isn't for you know the time." Peter gestures to the large pool of shimmering water. "Open the portal and then throw me the timepiece."

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