Chapter 16: If or When

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Hook's steady breaths indicate that he has fallen asleep. Lucky blighter. The pain in my shoulder keeps me from following his example. Plus, my mind won't stop mulling over all that he has told me. He seemed sincere when he was telling me his story, but doubt still lingers inside of me. I'm not sure why my confidence is wavering. Perhaps I'm having a warning intuition.

One thing that I am sure of though is that Hook is still hiding something from me. Why won't he use magic anymore? What is Peter's plan? How do I fit into it? Why does Peter only have kids and teenagers in his gang? Who is Wind? Why does Peter hate Hook so much? These questions spin around my brain throughout the night. 

Finally, I decide to treat Hook with suspicion until I can get the full truth. I have been far too soft and easily swayed by his sad tale and those ridiculously vivid eyes. I cannot allow him to shake me. This is why I'm better off alone on my island. With my mind made up, I manage to slip into a light doze. I have only been resting for a few hours when a voice yells down at us.

"Grab the rope and pull yourselves out if you want to eat."

Yawning widely, Hook opens his eyes and stretches his arms up. He shakes back his hair and glances at me.

"Good morning, Stormy. How do you find yourself on this lovely morning in these delightful accommodations?"

"About as well as can be expected," I reply drily.

Hook shoots a smile at me, and I almost return it before I remember my resolution. No matter how much nerve he has joking about our prison, he is still a pirate who invaded my island without so much as a please or thank you. Hook frowns slightly, puzzled by my icy indifference after last night's revelations. He opens his mouth, but I quickly fly towards the pit's entrance before he can say anything. 

Grabbing the rope, Hook climbs upwards. We reach the top at the same time, and rough hands pull us out. Wrenching us apart, Peter's group of teenagers binds me to a tree while Hook is pulled to his feet with a staff pressed tightly across his throat. His brother strides out of the trees to the center of the clearing.

"So James, it appears as though you have something I need." Peter stands in front of his brother, smirking. "I heard that you found it. Where have you put it? I know you're not stupid enough to carry it on your person, so you must have hidden it. Where?"

Hook remains silent, his eyes blazing defiantly. Peter circles his older brother with a cruel smile.

"Come on, James. I know you have it somewhere. You might as well tell me now and spare yourself the agony. You know I will eventually tear it out of you. Who was it that taught me it is not if a man will break but when?"

Hook still holds his silence, which is surprising given how mouthy he is with me. Why can't he ever be this quiet when I'm around?

"Fine, I gave you a chance." Peter sighs and shakes his head. "Just remember that."

"I'll do my best," Hook replies with a sardonic twist of his lip.

Tying Hook's hands in front of him, Peter's boys toss the rope over a limb and yank upwards so he is pulled to his full height. Peter crosses in front of his brother.

"It is up to you how much pain you wish to endure," he says, gesturing to one of the older teenagers eating an apple.

The nibbling boy (I think I'll dub him Nibbler in my mind or maybe just Nibs) drops his fruit and unwinds a long whip from around his waist. The pair of identical twins tear Hook's shirt off.

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