Chapter 20: Nightmares

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Gasping, I sit up, drenched in sweat. My heart is thumping loudly in my chest, and my mouth is dry. Quickly, I throw back my blanket and step out of the bed. I slip out of the cabin and onto the deck. The fresh air is refreshing after the stuffy cabin. 

For the past few days, I've stayed mainly in my room. I have been avoiding Hook and Merlin while we wait for Flicker to show up. I can see both men are concerned by my distance. Every time I come out, Hook's eyes follow me around the ship, but I still don't know whether he is genuine. Merlin trusts him, but I don't know what to think of Merlin now either. 

A cool breeze blows across the ocean, ruffling through my loose shirt. Tilting my head back, I look up at the night sky dotted with silver stars.

"Can't sleep?"

I turn my head. Hook is leaning against the wall next to the cabin door. He is wearing his own clothing again with his hair simply tied back with a strip of leather. Without his pretentious scarlet coat, he looks almost like a common sailor. Pushing away from the wall, he crosses over to me.

"Nightmares." I frown at him. "Why were you sitting outside the door? Were you spying on me?"

"Don't think so highly of yourself, Jimmy." Hook flashes his cocky grin at me. "I was just trying to find a place to smoke."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

"Whatever helps me?" Hook asks. "Including spying outside your door?"

"You are impossible."

I punch his shoulder lightly. Hook laughs, throwing his head back.

"Shut up." I roll my eyes. "You'll wake everyone up."

"Are you embarrassed to be seen with a pirate?"

"No." I put on my sweetest smile. "Just you."

"Oh, you know where to hit me the hardest." Hook clutches at his chest melodramatically. "How will I ever get over this?"

"I'm sure you'll manage." I raise an eyebrow. "Perhaps you'll get engaged again?"

"Ah yes," Hook clears his throat uncomfortably, "I was wondering how long it would take before your restraint gave out."

"I think I've done pretty well considering that we've been stuck on this ship for three days while we wait for Flicker to show up." I cross my arms over my chest. "Well? Are you going to spill?"

Hook glances around the ship. There are several scouts keeping lookout on the deck.

"Not here." Grabbing my arm, Hook leads me over to the mast and points towards the crow's nest. "It's the only place I can ever be sure no one is listening."

Seizing one of the ropes, he begins climbing. I watch until he has scaled halfway to the crow's nest before lifting into the air. I fly up next to him and tap his shoulder.

"Excuse me, sir. Do you need a hand?"

"I always forget you can do that." Hook turns to me, dangling with one arm as he reaches out to take my hand. "Did you have to wait until I was this far up?"

"No, but it was fun."

Lightly, I land us in the small circular crow's nest made from a tightly woven basket. The confining space forces us to stand close together. I can feel the hardness of his sturdy arms as our shoulders brush.

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