Chapter 38: Spring the Trap

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Striding forward, I allow myself a triumphant smile. I don't normally gloat over fallen enemies. Winning with grace and all that. Plus, their crestfallen expressions are usually enough victory for me. But this is just too delicious.

"See, I told you this would work." I raise an eyebrow at Hook. "This plan never fails."

"I had good reason to doubt your plan," Hook protests. "Especially when you've only ever used it on animals."

"Well, your brother is obviously just as dumb as they are. He fell for each and every step. Attract the target's attention. Pretend to be weak. Lead the target to a location he desires. Spring the trap."

"He really never suspected anything?" Hook asks. "I thought our confrontation in the woods was a little too dramatic."

"He didn't think anything of it. Just like he bought me pretending to be sad over you and Merlin. And as soon as I agreed to lead them here, he was too eager to question the convenience."

"I must say it was quite handy to be able to discuss the final details of this plan in person instead of you sending messages on floating leaves." A teasing smile hovers around Hook's mouth. "I never thought you would summon me for a midnight tryst in a dark wood, but I must say I enjoyed it thoroughly."

Rolling my eyes, I ignore the flirtatious hint. "Well, you can thank your witless brother for that. He didn't even think to put a guard on me at night."

"I'm standing right here!" Peter finally snaps.

"So you are."

I unsheathe my double jian swords in case Peter tries something stupid, which I wouldn't put past him considering his track record. He is fuming, his cheeks growing more scarlet with each casual insult I toss his way. I can almost see fumes coming out of his ears. Smiling sweetly at him, I cock my head to the side as though I'm speaking to a child.

"Did you really think that I would ever believe anything you would say? After all you put me through? You really thought I wouldn't see through your deceit and manipulations?"

Peter's fingers start inching towards his knife hilt, but Merlin shakes his head gravely.

"I wouldn't if I were you," he warns Peter.

Slowly, Peter draws his hand away. "You may have seen through me, but you're blind to the two of them. They've lied to you just as much as I have."

"Perhaps. You could be right." I shrug airily. "But at least, neither of them ever tried to murder me."

"I never tried to murder you." Peter flashes his most charming smile, but I can see the strain in his forced pleasantry. "Why in the realms would I do that? I need you alive."

"Give it up, Peter." I place my hands on my hips. "Those pearly white teeth don't fool me in the slightest. They just make you look like the crocodile that you are."

"Can't blame a lad for trying." Peter holds out his hands with the palms up. "So what now? Are you going to have the wizard execute me?"

"No one is going to kill you." Hook moves a few steps closer to his brother. "But we will restrain you until you come to your senses."

"Oh, but I have," Peter sneers. "I came to them years ago when I realized that I didn't have to live under your law or anyone else's but my own. I don't need to live in your shadow. I never did."

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