Chapter 40: Coldness

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"Peter?" Hook whispers. "Peter? Peter!" His voice rises desperately as he scrambles to his feet. "Peter! Where are you?"

Frantically, Hook leans forward over the shimmering water of the fountain. He starts to stretch a hand toward to the liquid light. Leaping forward, I seize his wrist and jerk his fingers back.

"Don't touch the fount!" I cry out. "You can't touch the water here. Only I can."

"But my brother is in there," Hook protests.

"No, he isn't."

Flicker's voice drifts over from the side of the fountain. She has an arm wrapped around Merlin's shoulders as he stands unsteadily. Blood drips downs his forehead from a large gash.

"Flicker?" I extend my free hand towards the fey, but stay where I am. I don't dare release Hook's wrist while he is still eyeing the fountain. "What happened?"

"Where is my brother?" Hook demands.

"I am so sorry, Captain. I cannot tell you that with any amount of certainty. This was a completely unintentional circumstance." Flicker leads Merlin to a flat rock near the edge of the fountain and sets him down. "I had no idea that you were near the edge of the fountain or I would have waited to arrive. Unfortunately, it was too late by the time I saw you. I couldn't control the energy springing from my arrival."

"Where is my brother?" Hook repeats. "Did he go back? Is he back with my father and stepmother?"

"I am afraid that I cannot answer that." Flicker holds up her hands to stem Hook's objections. "It's not that I don't want to. I can't. I have no idea where your brother is. Because he didn't fall through the portal first, he was not taken back to his original era."

"So Wind has returned to where she came from?" I ask.

"Yes, she has been restored to her home with no memory of anything other than her life in that world."

"What is this?" Reaching down, Hook picks up the dark human shape from the ground. The black airy film dangles from his fingers for a moment before disintegrating into nothingness. "I suppose 'what was that' would be more accurate," Hook corrects himself.

"Your brother's shadow. He is but a shade now, wandering between worlds. Lost to time and place." Flicker places a delicate hand on Hook's shoulder. "I am truly sorry for your loss, but there is nothing to be done."

"What do you mean?" Hook's voice cracks slightly, and he clears his throat before continuing. "We have to rescue him."

"There is no way to reach between worlds," Merlin explains, mopping the blood from his face with his sleeve. "Not even Jimmy or I can do that. Portals only lead to other realms, never to the emptiness in between."

Hook presses a fist over his mouth. I can feel pain emanating in waves from his soul. Sliding my hand down his wrist, I slip my hand into his. He grabs hold of me in a grip like iron. For some reason, I don't object to his painful grasp. Instead, I press his hand gently.

"I'm so sorry."

Merlin pushes himself up and staggers over to us. The gold flecks in the dark pools of his eyes shine brilliantly as he looks at Hook. "Do not give up hope yet, my friend. I must report to the Council, and I will ask for their wisdom. They are well-practiced in the magical arts and know more of portal travel than any others. If there is anything to be done, they will know."

Flicker starts to speak, but I shake my head at her. The hurt in Hook's face is more than I can bear. I cannot let anyone break him anymore. She frowns slightly as she closes her mouth.

"That's a wonderful idea, Merlin." I smile gratefully at the sorcerer.

"I cannot promise anything, but I will do the uttermost for Peter."

"I know you will."

Lifting my hand, I summon my energy essence and channel magic through my spirit spark. The healing force leaves my fingers in a silvery current and streams towards to Merlin's face. The cut on his forehead slowly closes as the surge of magic winds around his head.

"Thank you." Merlin bows to me. "I'm ever in your debt."

"Don't mention it." I rub a drop of dried blood from his cheek with my thumb. "You can pay me back eventually. I think a million cups of tea might just begin to settle the balance."

I look up at Hook. His gaze is fastened on my hand as I pull it away from Merlin's face. Pressing his lips together, Hook drops his eyes. Taking a few steps away, he releases my hand. My heart sinks down to my toes as his fingers slip out of mine. A coldness spreads through my core.

Greetings friends,

I am so deeply sorry about not updating in forever, but I have finally returned! I finished my first year of graduate school which included being in 8 short films, a television pilot, three plays, directing two plays, writing one play, and working three jobs. Needless to say, it's been quite hectic! However, I am so very pleased to announce that I have finished Flying. I thought I just had one chapter left, but it's very long so I'll be splitting it into four parts. The good news is that you will be receiving regular updates now.

Fun Fact:

In case you end up like Merlin with a gash on the head, here are some steps to take. Wash hands and cover with gloves if possible. If not, use layers of fabric or plastic bags between your hand and the injury. Apply pressure for fifteen minutes. If it continues bleeding, change the dressing and keep applying pressure. Mild bleeding will usually stop on its own or slow down after fifteen minutes. It might ooze or trickle for some time afterwards.

Thank you all so much for staying with Jimmy and Hook. I hope to get started on the sequel this summer!


Commodore Caroline

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