Chapter 36: Iridescence

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Revolving in a slow circle, I observe the boys surrounding me. They have seated themselves around the edge of the clearing, watching with wide eyes. Their curious gazes follow me as I raise my hands. An iridescent light shoots up from my hands and forms a dome over the clearing. Once the dome has finished forming, I lower my arms. The boys sit up straight as I walk around the group and lightly touch the sides of the translucent dome.

I nod my head, satisfied. "It's ready. We can begin."

Mauricio claps his hands from the other side of the dome. "I'll see you on the other side, boys!"

The boys start to cheer, but I hold up my finger, halting their noise. Wind and Peter step forward next to me.

"I need to explain something before we start." I stride through the clearing, making eye contact with each of the boys. "This is not going to be easy. It was a miracle that Mauricio lived through the process. Basically, you will be experiencing the entire detoxification process in the span of about three minutes instead of over the course of a year. It will be massively painful. This is not just an illness of the body or an illness of the mind. It is both. Therefore, unless you have a strong, firm reason to heal, you will not be able to hold through the process. So before we begin, each of you need to examine yourself and decide whether you have the resolution to continue. To bear the pain. To let go of the darkness."

A heavy silence blankets the forest as my words hang over the boys. A few of them shift uncomfortably and look down at the ground.

"Do any of you want to back out?" I ask. "This is your last chance."

"No," Nibs answers. His voice is quiet but tenacious. "I can take the pain. It's worth it. I'm in."

Squaring his shoulders, Nibs looks at Mauricio. The small boy gives him a thumbs-up from the opposite side of the dome. The rest of the group echo their agreement.

"Very well." I nod to Wind and Peter, who step up on each side of me. "We are ready to begin the process."

Peter and Wind take my hands. Normally, I would rather touch a python than either of these two but needs must. Peter's slim, bony hand contrasts strangely to Wind's wide callused palm.

"All right, I know both of you are spellcasters and use synthetic magic, not natural magic. There are no spells strong enough for this healing because it affects both the mind and body. We'll be channeling the magic through me."

"Why through you?" Peter asks.

I shoot him my iciest stare. Of course, he couldn't just take my instructions obediently and with his mouth closed. Turning my head, I'm surprised to see that Wind is also sending a cold glare in Peter's direction.

"We're channeling the magic through me because I have a spirit spark."


"What a brilliant reply." I roll my eyes sarcastically. "Yes, I have a spirit spark because I have a natural magic. I will be drawing on your energy essence though."

"Why do you need our energy essence if you have a spirit spark?"

"It really is impossible for you to just shut up and do as you're told, isn't it? An energy essence is different from a spirit spark, Peter." I slow down my words and enunciate exaggeratedly like I'm speaking to an idiot, which I am. "The spirit spark is where my magic originates just like how your magic is created from spells, objects, or potions. Everyone who has magic uses an energy essence. The energy essence provides power to your magic, whether synthetic or natural."

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