Chapter 19: Merlin

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Merlin waves his hand, and the black chain around our wrists turns back into a whip. The whip falls to the deck, releasing our arms. Running across the ship, I throw myself onto Merlin while Hook rubs his freed arm awkwardly. With a hearty laugh, Merlin grabs my waist and lifts me into the air. He spins me around and around until both of us collapse dizzily.

"Merlin!" I roll over and smack his chest. "What in the worlds are you doing here?"

Rising, Merlin extends a hand and pulls me to my feet. The gold flecks in his eyes glint in the sunlight as he smiles at me.

"I came to see you, my dear." Bowing elegantly, Merlin kisses my hand, then leans forward and caresses my cheek. "And also, I had to retrieve my shirt."

"Sorry," I gesture to Hook, "I've already re-gifted it."

Turning to Hook, Merlin shakes his hand. "How do you do, James? Still looking for your brother?"

"Not exactly." Hook grins ruefully. "I found him a while ago, and that gave rise to a whole new set of problems."

"Why didn't you let me know you were coming?" I interrupt. "How do you two know each other? Why are all Hook's men asleep?"

Laughing, Merlin holds up his hands, stopping my flow of questions. "Jimmy, I promise I'll answer all of your questions if you give me a chance. Let me wake the captain's men first. I had to cast a sleeping charm over them because they kept threatening to kill me in a variety of creative ways. I must say you've gathered quite a loyal, if not somewhat bloodthirsty, group of sailors."

Raising his hands, Merlin blows on his palms towards the sleeping men. After a few moments, the pirates begin stirring. When they see Merlin, they jump to their feet and yank out their weapons.

"Hold!" Hook orders quickly. "Merlin is a friend and honored guest."

"Cap'n, where have you been?" Smee runs up to Hook. "We didn't know what to do without you."

"We were delayed by unforeseen circumstances." Hook places a hand on his bo'sun's shoulder.

"Unforeseen circumstances?" Merlin asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, Peter was unforeseen and Wind was circumstances," I answer.

"Wind?" Merlin turns to Hook. "As in Wind your fiancé?"

My mouth drops open in shock. I finally understand why Peter makes that ridiculous face. For once in my life, I have no words. Glaring at Merlin, Hook snaps his fingers at his sailors, who immediately start pretending to work.

"Ex-fiancé," he says coldly.

"Okay, change Peter to circumstances because that was definitely unforeseen," I mutter under my breath.

"Mister Smee, take us a league offshore. That should take us out of reach of my brother," Hook orders. "We'll be down in my cabin."

"Aye, aye Cap'n!"

As the crew begins pulling up the anchor and releasing the sails, Hook leads the way to his cabin. I have a million and one questions, but the dark look on his face keeps my mouth shut. Once inside, Hook locks the cabin door behind us and leans his forehead against the wood.

"So Merlin," he says without turning around, "why are you really here? It's happening, isn't it?"

"What's happening?" I ask.

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