Chapter 11: Spellcaster

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I catch my breath and glance around quickly to see if anyone heard me. Several pairs of boots tramp up the steps from below. Quickly, I slump against the mast and close my eyes. I recognize Smee's heavy, uneven gait and Hook's steady tread as they step onto the deck. The captain crosses over to me and leans over.

"Jimmy?" His warm breath brushes against my cheek like a soft summer breeze, but I keep my pretense of sleeping. "Jimmy, please tell me where my brother is," he murmurs quietly. "I need to find him."


"She's asleep," Hook addresses Smee, keeping his voice low.

"Captain, why don't you just tell the lass? She might help you if she knew everything."

I crack my eyes open slightly and watch the two men from under my eyelashes. Hook runs a hand through his black hair and leans against the rail.

"You're a good man, Mr. Smee. Brave, hardworking and loyal to a fault. What you may lack in other areas you make up for in heart. I have no idea why you've shipped out with me for so many years."

"I haven't the foggiest idea either." Smee chuckles and then claps a hand on Hook's shoulder. "I ship with you because you're my captain. We've been together too long for me to abandon you now. I'll stand by you no matter what you chose, sir. Although I do think you should tell her."

Turning away, Hook gazes out at the ocean. The crashing waves are the same shade as his eyes. "Honest folk like you can never understand the secrets that the rest of us hide. If I were to tell her everything, we would definitely lose her. And I can't lie to her, so I would rather keep quiet about all."

"What happened wasn't your fault," Smee protests. "You can't keep blaming yourself for it."

"Then who else is to blame?" Hook laughs bitterly. "If it wasn't my fault, then whose was it?"

He winces and touches his ribs. Smee lifts his shirt and examines the injury. Hook's darkly tanned skin is mottled blue and purple and green, and his blood has soaked through the crude bandages that I created. Sharply, he sucks in his breath as Smee unties the strips of fabric to examine his wound. 

"You need to rest. You've reopened your wounds."

"Can't," Hook gasps out between clenched teeth. "There's too much to do."

"Then, you need to use it."

Hook shakes his head vehemently. "No, I swore only to use it in the most dangerous of circumstances."

"Well, this qualifies then." Smee crosses his arms over his chest and glares up at him. "Because if you refuse to take care of yourself, I am going to become very dangerous."

I shake silently with suppressed chuckles. The thought of the short, plump man threatening the well-built pirate tickles me. It's like a robin picking a fight with a griffin or a clownfish against a sea serpent. 

"Are you giving your captain an ultimatum?" Hook raises an eyebrow.

"Given that I have been shipping out with you for over two centuries, I think that I have the right to make a few ultimatums every now and again. So what is going to be, James?"

Hook pushes himself off the rail and stands up straight. He peels off his shirt, grimacing as the fabric passes over his injury. Placing his hands over his ribs, he closes his eyes.

"Helathio," he hisses out.

Instantly, the bruises and cuts on his side begin shrinking until they vanish completely. Hook's face relaxes as his wounds are healed. I clench the sides of my pants to keep myself from reacting. Questions swirl through my head. Where did he learn magic? Why hasn't he used it before now? How have Hook and is men been alive for centuries?

Fortunately, the two don't notice the inward tempest of confusion raging nearby. Smee prods the healed ribs with his stubby fingers while smiling smugly at his captain.

"That's better, isn't it?" 

"If you weren't my first bo'sun, I'd have you clapped in irons and flogged for insubordination." Hook mock scowls at Smee. 

The sailor pats his captain's back. "Of course you would, sir. Just like you're going to keelhaul that girl if she doesn't give you what you want."

At the mention of me, Hook looks back at the mast where I am bound. Quickly, I slam my eyelids shut. I mentally berate the bo'sun. There was no need for him to draw attention in my direction. Firm footsteps start to approach me and then turn away. Smee's loud stride joins Hook's as they walk back down below deck. After a few moments, I cautiously reopen my eyes. Peter is crawling out of his hiding place with his long knife clamped in his teeth. I glance at the sailors on watch, but both have fallen asleep. Hook needs to sack his sailors and hire a new crew. They would rival the thug in the cage fight for lack of brains. When Peter reaches me, he takes the knife out of his mouth and begins cutting my ropes.

"What happened?" Peter asks anxiously. "What did he say to you?"

"I'm fine," I whisper. "You didn't prepare me for how charming your brother is. Or the fact that he's a bloody spellcaster."


Peter slices through the last rope and holds out his hands towards me. My wrists are still manacled, but I am free of the mast.

"All right, let's get out of here."

"So you did know where he was, Stormy." Hook is standing at the top of the stairs with his sword in hand. His keen eyes turn from me to his younger brother's sharp green gaze. "Peter, you need to come with me," he orders.

"No." Peter lifts his knife in a throwing position.

"You can't keep running forever."

"I wouldn't have to if you would stop chasing me."

"I have to." Hook's face hardens. "No matter what's happened between us, you're still my brother."

Hook reaches into his pocket and pulls out my pouch of fey dust. Before he can open it, Peter flings his knife at his older brother. As his arm pulls backwards, I draw the dagger from my boot and throw at the same moment. My blade hits Peter's in the air, knocking the weapon off the course. The knife buries itself in the wall next to Hook's ear.

"Hold on!"

I grab Peter and fly straight up out of Hook's reach. Veering to the left, I take us away from the ship towards the shoreline. I glance over my shoulder to see if anyone is pursuing us. Hook is standing on the deck with the pouch of fey dust clutched in his hand and my dagger lying at his feet.

Avast, maties!

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Fun Fact:

Keelhauling was a form of punishment that could potentially kill sailors at sea. Sailors were tied to a rope that was looped beneath the ship, thrown overboard the side, and dragged under the ship's keel. They would either be dragged underneath the water from side to side or the length of the ship from bow to stern.

Until next week,

Commodore Caroline

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