Chapter 24: Battle on the Beach

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Slowly, the boys begin to advance on us. Holding up my hand, I send the streak of electricity forward. The purple sparks flash through the air around me, and the boys draw back fearfully. With a reckless laugh, I lower my hand and let the electricity wind around my fingers again.

"What's wrong, boys?" I swing my sword through the air in a shining pattern. "Afraid to face me when I'm not tied up in a cage?"

"You idiots," Wind strides out of the trees with Peter next to her, "surround them. Do not let her reach the other two."

"We have names you know." Hook places the tip of his backsword into the sand and leans against it casually.

"Oh, James." Wind tosses a plait over her shoulder. "I know so much more than your name."

Hook's eyes flash dangerously, and I can feel my face begin burning. With a quick motion, Peter draws his throwing knives and aims them at me.

"Jimmy, I don't want to hurt you. Just hand over the timepiece, and we'll leave you alone."

"Somehow, I doubt that," I retort. "Given the fact that you've beaten, imprisoned and kidnapped me, I'm disinclined to trust you."

"But you trust those two?" Peter gestures to his brother and Merlin. "Do you have any idea what they've done?"

"Well, they haven't tried to take over my island so..." I shrug nonchalantly.

"Did they tell you that's what I want?" Peter scoffs. "Jimmy, why the hell would I want your island?"

"I don't know." I roll my eyes. "Maybe to have access to the fount of magic for every world in the universe."

"What would I do with that?" Sheathing his knives, Peter holds out his hands. "Look, I don't know what those two have told you..."

"Once again, we have names," Hook interrupts.

"But I am not actively trying to harm you," Peter continues. "I just need the timepiece. You have no idea what it is that you are holding."

"Technically, I'm not holding anything." I place my hand over my tunic where the pocket watch hangs. "My hands are completely free."

"Please just give it to me. There is no need for unpleasantness."

"Why did you bring her then?" I jerk my head at Wind.

"Oceania Strikarvel!" Wind points to me.

A wave rises from the ocean behind me in the shape of a spear. The saltwater weapon starts speeding toward my back, but Merlin waves his hand, and it vanishes. Instantly, fighting breaks out. Peter crosses swords with Hook while Wind and Merlin cast spells and curses at each other. Nibs, Slightly and the Twins charge me, but I easily fend them off. The rest of Peter's group cowers in the back or run back towards the shelter of the trees. 

Swirling my left hand over my head, I summon a magnetic field. The weapons fly out of the hands of my attackers and into the ocean. Swiftly, I fling several fire balls at them. The four boys immediately turn on their heels and race away into the forest.

"Was it something I said?" I yell after them.

Energy surges through my body. Lunging forward, I stab at Peter. He is barely able to deflect my blow as Hook attacks from the other side. I would use my magic, but I remember Hook's request to not hurt his brother. I make eye contact with Hook, and he nods. Hook rapidly advances on his brother with a complicated series of strikes. Peter retreats until we are almost beside Wind and Merlin, who are still dueling ferociously. Staying behind Hook's broad shoulders, I bend down and scoop up a handful of sand.

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