Chapter 13: Into the Depths

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I can feel cool water around my waist. For a moment, I think I am back in the hold of Hook's ship. When I open my eyes though, I don't see the sides of the wooden ship. I am chained to a rock in the middle of a pool of water. I recognize the location as Edgewind Pond. It's not one of my favorite places in Neverland as sea creatures frequently show up here when they fall through portals. The sun has set, and a full moon is rising in the night sky.

"Peter, I'm going to kill you as soon as humanly possible," I mutter. Pulling at the chains, I try to squeeze my wrists out, but all I succeed in doing is bruising and cutting my skin. Finally, I give up and lean against the rock. "You are so dead."

I turn my head to examine my bonds. Peter must have used magic to attach the manacles to the rock behind me. My arms are stretched out to the sides. Even if I had my lockpicking tool, I wouldn't be able to reac the locks on either wrist. I guess I'll have to wait until someone comes along. Maybe Flicker will be here soon or a sprite or a fairy. I look back across the water and freeze. 

The pond is swelling in circular rippling waves. A soft hissing comes from the center of the watery rings. The hissing gradually grows louder until a tall, beautiful woman with long tentacles on her head emerges. I hold my breath, praying that she doesn't see me. The moon sends silvery beams onto her long black dress. She looks around for a moment to gain her bearings. Her head turns towards me, and a cruel smile lifts her lips. Immediately, I close my eyes and turn my face away.

"Medusa," I sigh. "Do you have to come through every single portal that shows up in your ocean?"

"Thank you for the warm welcome, darling." Medusa's deep voice echoes across the water. "Especially after all I did to get here. I had to follow an insipid dophin around for weeks before it finally found a portal, and I used the last of my fey dust. The only bit of fortune I had was showing up right next to you."

"Sure, if fortune is named Peter," I mumble under my breath.

A stinging pain flashes across my cheek, whipping my head to the side and against the rock. I can feel blood dripping down my forehead. Clenching my fists, I force myself to keep my eyes closed. Cold slimy tentacles slip across my shoulders and weave around my neck. I shudder involuntarily, and Medusa laughs. Her snaky hair tightens around my throat, lifting me up on my toes.

"Just open them. It'll be over in a flash, dear," Medusa coos in my face.

"Why does everyone insist on calling me stupid names?" I choke out.

"I have no idea, Stormy."

"Hook!" I gasp.

I keep my eyes squeezed shut as water splashes over me. The tentacles slide away from my neck. Loud hisses mix with clanging steel. Medusa shrieks loudly and then the noise stops abruptly.

"Hook?" I ask tentatively. "Are you there?"

"You can't get rid of me that easily, Stormy. Do my ears deceive me or do you actually sound glad to have me here, lovey?" Hook's callused hand touches my face. "You can open your eyes now and see the grandest sight known to man."

Slowly, I open my eyes. Hook is directly in front of me grinning cockily. His fingers are still shimmering with the remnants of the fey dust he stole from me. There is no sign of Medusa. He must have sent her back to her own world.

"What are you doing here?" I ask as he pulls a lock picking kit out of his pocket and begins working on my shackles.

"Well, I had to track down my brother after you pulled off that ridiculous escape attempt and went traipsing through the forest with him." 

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